1. 右键点击工程,选择 "Properties"
2. 选择左边的 "Java Build Path" 
3. 打开 "Source" 标签面板
4. 点击 "Add Folder..."
5. 勾选 "gen" 文件夹,点击OK,点击YES,再点击OK
6. 最后右键点击工程,选择 "Andriod Tools" 里面的 "Fix Project Properties"

gen already exists but is not a source folder ZT的更多相关文章

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  2. Eclipse.Error.gen already exists but is not a source folder.

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  3. gen already exists but is not a source folder

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  4. …gen already exists but is not a source folder. Convert to a source folder or rename it [closed]

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  6. gen already exists but is not a source folder. Convert to a source folder or rename it 的解决办法

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  8. Convert to a source folder or rename it.

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