POJ--2158--------------Milking Grid(最小覆盖字符矩阵)---(开二维kmp)
Time Limit: 3000MS | Memory Limit: 65536K | |
Total Submissions: 6169 | Accepted: 2573 |
Help FJ find the rectangular unit of smallest area that can be repetitively tiled to make up the entire milking grid. Note that the dimensions of the small rectangular unit do not necessarily need to divide evenly the dimensions of the entire milking grid, as indicated in the sample input below.
* Lines 2..R+1: The grid that the cows form, with an uppercase letter denoting each cow's breed. Each of the R input lines has C characters with no space or other intervening character.
Sample Input
- 2 5
Sample Output
- 2
- #include<iostream>
- #include<cstring>
- #include<cstdlib>
- #include<cstdio>
- #include<algorithm>
- using namespace std;
- const int row =;
- const int cow =;
- char str[row][cow];
- int next[row][cow];
- int RR,CC;
- int main()
- {
- while(scanf("%d%d",&RR,&CC)!=EOF)
- {
- for(int i=;i<RR;i++)
- scanf("%s",str[i]);
- int i,j,k;
- //先求出每一行的next
- int max_row=-;
- for(k=;k<RR;k++)
- {
- i=; j=-;
- next[k][]=-;
- while(i<CC)
- {
- if(j==-||str[k][i]==str[k][j])
- {
- i++;
- j++;
- next[k][i]=j;
- }
- else j=next[k][j];
- }
- if(max_row<(CC-next[k][CC]))
- max_row=(CC-next[k][CC]);
- }
- int max_cow=-;
- //求出所有列中的最小循环节
- for(k=;k<CC;k++)
- {
- i=;
- j=-;
- next[][k]=-;
- while(i<RR)
- {
- if(j==-||str[i][k]==str[j][k])
- {
- i++;
- j++;
- next[i][k]=j;
- }
- else
- j=next[j][k];
- }
- if(max_cow<(RR-next[RR][k]))
- max_cow=(RR-next[RR][k]);
- }
- printf("%d\n",max_row*max_cow);
- }
- return ;
- }
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