template < class T, // multiset::key_type/value_type
class Compare = less<T>, // multiset::key_compare/value_compare
class Alloc = allocator<T> > // multiset::allocator_type
> class multiset;Multiple-key set
Multisets are containers that store elements following a specific order, and where multiple elements can have equivalent values.
In a multiset, the value of an element also identifies it (the value is itself the key, of type T). The value of the elements in a multiset cannot be modified once in the container (the elements are always const), but they can be inserted or removed from the container.
Internally, the elements in a multiset are always sorted following a specific strict weak ordering criterion indicated by its internal comparison object (of type Compare).
Multisets are typically implemented as binary search trees.
//constructing multiset
multiset (const key_compare& comp = key_compare(), const allocator_type& alloc = allocator_type());
multiset (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, const key_compare& comp = key_compare(), const allocator_type& alloc = allocator_type());
multiset (const multiset& x); iterator begin();
iterator end();
reverse_iterator rbegin();
reverse_iterator rend(); void clear();
bool empty() const;
size_type size() const;
void swap(multiset& x);
size_type count(value_type& val) const;
multiset& operator=(const multiset& x);
iterator find(const value_type& value);
#include <iostream>
#include <set> int main()
int myints[] = {, , , , , , };
std::multiset<int> mymultiset(myints, myints+);
std::cout<<"73 appears "<<mymultiset.count()<<" times in mymultiset.\n"; system("pause");
return ;
iterator insert (const value_type& val);
iterator insert (iterator position, const value_type& val);
void insert (InputIterator first, InputIterator last); insert element
Extends the container by inserting new elements, effectively increasing the container size by the number of elements inserted.
Internally, multiset containers keep all their elements sorted following the criterion specified by its comparison object. The elements are always inserted in its respective position following this ordering.
[在内部实现中,multiset容器会用比较对象(comparison object)将元素进行排序,因此插入操作也是根据这一点插入到相对位置] Return value
In the versions returning a value, this is an iterator pointing to the newly inserted element in the multiset.
Member type iterator is a bidirectional iterator type that points to elements.
[成员类型iterator是一个指向元素的双向迭代器类型] 注:
position Hint for the position where the element can be inserted.
The function optimizes its insertion time if position points to the element that will precede the inserted element.
Notice that this is just a hint and does not force the new element to be inserted at that position within the multimap container (the elements in a multimap always follow a specific order depending on their key).
*/ #include <iostream>
#include <set> int main ()
std::multiset<int> mymultiset;
std::multiset<int>::iterator it; // set some initial values:
for (int i=; i<=; i++) mymultiset.insert(i*); // 10 20 30 40 50 it=mymultiset.insert(); it=mymultiset.insert (it,); // max efficiency inserting
it=mymultiset.insert (it,); // max efficiency inserting
it=mymultiset.insert (it,); // no max efficiency inserting (24<29) int myints[]= {,,};
mymultiset.insert (myints,myints+); std::cout << "mymultiset contains:";
for (it=mymultiset.begin(); it!=mymultiset.end(); ++it)
std::cout << ' ' << *it;
std::cout << '\n'; system("pause");
return ;
void erase (iterator position);
size_type erase (const value_type& val);
void erase (iterator first, iterator last); Return value
For the key-based version (2), the function returns the number of elements erased.
*/ #include <iostream>
#include <set> int main ()
std::multiset<int> mymultiset;
std::multiset<int>::iterator it; // insert some values:
mymultiset.insert (); //
for (int i=; i<; i++) mymultiset.insert(i*); // 10 20 30 40 40 50 60 it=mymultiset.begin();
it++; // ^ mymultiset.erase (it); // 10 30 40 40 50 60 mymultiset.erase (); // 10 30 50 60 it=mymultiset.find ();
mymultiset.erase ( it, mymultiset.end() ); // 10 30 std::cout << "mymultiset contains:";
for (it=mymultiset.begin(); it!=mymultiset.end(); ++it)
std::cout << ' ' << *it;
std::cout << '\n'; system("pause");
return ;
iterator lower_bound(const value_type &k) //返回>=k的第一个元素的位置
iterate upper_bound(const value_type &k) //返回>k的第一个元素的位置 Return iterator to lower bound
Returns an iterator pointing to the first element in the container which is not considered to go before val (i.e., either it is equivalent or goes after).
The function uses its internal comparison object (key_comp) to determine this, returning an iterator to the first element for which key_comp(element,val) would return false.
[该函数利用内部的比较对象来比较,返回的迭代器指向的是第一个使得key_comp(element, val)返回false的元素]
If the multiset class is instantiated with the default comparison type (less), the function returns an iterator to the first element that is not less than val.
[如果multiset类的实例化使用的是默认的比较类型(less), 则该函数返回的迭代器指向的是第一个不小于(即大于等于)k的元素]
A similar member function, upper_bound, has the same behavior as lower_bound, except in the case that the multiset contains elements equivalent to val: In this case lower_bound returns an iterator pointing to the first of such elements, whereas upper_bound returns an iterator pointing to the element following the last.
*/ #include <iostream>
#include <set> int main ()
std::multiset<int> mymultiset;
std::multiset<int>::iterator itlow,itup; for (int i=; i<; i++) mymultiset.insert(i*); // 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 itlow = mymultiset.lower_bound (); // ^
itup = mymultiset.upper_bound (); // ^ mymultiset.erase(itlow,itup); // 10 20 50 60 70 std::cout << "mymultiset contains:";
for (std::multiset<int>::iterator it=mymultiset.begin(); it!=mymultiset.end(); ++it)
std::cout << ' ' << *it;
std::cout << '\n'; system("pause");
return ;
key_compare key_comp() const;
value_compare value_comp() const; Return comparison object
Returns a copy of the comparison object used by the container.
By default, this is a less object, which returns the same as operator<.
This object determines the order of the elements in the container: it is a function pointer or a function object that takes two arguments of the same type as the container elements, and returns true if the first argument is considered to go before the second in the strict weak ordering it defines, and false otherwise.
Two elements of a multiset are considered equivalent if key_comp returns false reflexively (i.e., no matter the order in which the elements are passed as arguments).
In multiset containers, the keys to sort the elements are the values themselves, therefore key_comp and its sibling member function value_comp are equivalent.
*/ #include <iostream>
#include <set> int main ()
std::multiset<int> mymultiset; for (int i=; i<; i++) mymultiset.insert(i); std::multiset<int>::key_compare mycomp = mymultiset.key_comp(); std::cout << "mymultiset contains:"; int highest = *mymultiset.rbegin(); std::multiset<int>::iterator it = mymultiset.begin();
do {
std::cout << ' ' << *it;
} while ( mycomp(*it++,highest) ); std::cout << '\n'; system("pause");
return ;
pair<iterator,iterator> equal_range (const value_type& val) const; Get range of equal elements
Returns the bounds of a range that includes all the elements in the container that are equivalent to val.
If no matches are found, the range returned has a length of zero, with both iterators pointing to the first element that is considered to go after val according to the container's internal comparison object (key_comp).
[如果没有匹配元素,该区间长度为0,且两个迭代器都会指向容器中第一个大于val的元素] Return value
The function returns a pair, whose member pair::first is the lower bound of the range (the same as lower_bound), and pair::second is the upper bound (the same as upper_bound).
[该函数返回一个pair,其中first指的是区间的lower bound,second指的是区间的upper bound]
*/ #include <iostream>
#include <set> typedef std::multiset<int>::iterator It; int main()
int myints[]= {,,,,,};
std::multiset<int> mymultiset (myints, myints+); // 2 16 30 30 30 77 std::pair<It,It> ret = mymultiset.equal_range(); // ^ ^ mymultiset.erase(ret.first,ret.second); std::cout << "mymultiset contains:";
for (It it=mymultiset.begin(); it!=mymultiset.end(); ++it)
std::cout << ' ' << *it;
std::cout << '\n'; system("pause");
return ;
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