Careercup - Google面试题 - 5085331422445568
2014-05-08 23:45
How would you use Dijkstra's algorithm to solve travel salesman problem, which is to find a shortest path from a starting node back to the starting node and visits all other node exactly once.
// Answer:
// Dijkstra Algorithm is not for TSP, why would you expect to solve NP-hard problems with O(n ^ 2) efforts?
// Comment:
// 1. Difficult question.
// 2. Vague description.
// 3. Strange indication.
// 4. Stupid discussion.
// Based on the judgement above, I believe that 'guy' is a complete amateur. Excellent programmers don't ask stupid questions, but he did.
// The reason I'm complaining is that, he pretended to have google interview experience and posted a lot of fake questions only to trick us.
// He doesn't even know how to calculate the distance between two points?
// He doesn't know what volatile means.
// He keeps asking stupid questions.
// He's site reliability engineer at Boeing, really?
// I hate liars, especially foolish liars!
// Down vote for every question he posted.
int main()
return ;
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