
语  法:tee [-ai][--help][--version][文件...]


参  数:
-a或--append  附加到既有文件的后面,而非覆盖它.
-i-i或--ignore-interrupts  忽略中断信号。
--help  在线帮助。
--version  显示版本信息


在执行Linux命令时,我们可以把输出重定向到文件中,比如 ls >a.txt,这时我们就不能看到输出了,如果我们既想把输出保存到文件中,又想在屏幕上看到输出内容,就可以使用tee命令了。tee命令读取标准输入,把这些内容同时输出到标准输出和(多个)文件中(read from standard input and write to standard output and files. Copy standard input to each FILE, and also to standard output. If a FILE is -, copy again to standard output.)。在info tee中说道:tee命令可以重定向标准输出到多个文件(`tee': Redirect output to multiple files. The `tee' command copies standard input to standard output and also to any files given as arguments.  This is useful when you want not only to send some data down a pipe, but also to save a copy.)。





格式:tee file

输出到标准输出的同时,保存到文件file中。如果文件不存在,则创建;如果已经存在,则覆盖之。(If a file being written to does not already exist, it is created. If a file being written to already exists, the data it previously

contained is overwritten unless the `-a' option is used.)

格式:tee -a file


格式:tee -

输出到标准输出两次。(A FILE of `-' causes `tee' to send another copy of input
to standard output, but this is typically not that useful as the copies
are interleaved.)

注意 - 后面没有任何参数

格式:tee -i file1 file2 -


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