为什么构造器不能是abstract, static, final, native or synchronized的?
Unlike methods, a constructor cannot be abstract, static, final, native or synchronized.
1. A constructor is not inherited, so there is no need to declare it final
2. As the same reason above, an abstract constructor could never be implemented.
3. A constructor is always invoked with respect to an object, so it makes no sense for a constructor to be static.
There is no practical need for a constructor to be synchronized,
because it would lock the object under construction, which is normally
not made available to other threads until all constructors for the
object have completed their work.
5. The lack of native
constructors is an arbitrary language design choice that makes it easy
for an implementation of the Java virtual machine to verify that
superclass constructors are always properly invoked during object
不同于方法,构造器不能是abstract, static, final, native, strictfp, 或者synchronized的.
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