微软职位内部推荐-Software Development Engineer
Job Title: Software Development Engineer
Work Location: Suzhou, China
The Office 365 Core Fabric group is looking for a Software Engineer to work on a very strategic and secret project in super exciting startup mode! Think starting from scratch to launching public beta in 6 months. This project also requires collaboration with several other teams at Microsoft.
Office 365 is the fastest growing cloud services business in Microsoft. Office 365 brings together cloud versions of our most trusted communications and collaboration products like Exchange, SharePoint, and Lync with the desktop suite of office products in an always-up-to-date integrated service offering. Since its launch, the service has made it easier for millions of information workers working in small, medium, and large enterprises across multiple markets worldwide to use the best of Microsoft’s business productivity solutions via the cloud.
Software Engineers in Office 365 Core Fabric group are responsible for designing, writing code for, deploying, and monitoring/managing the core fabric from end to end. This specific position requires that as well as the ability to work in a startup environment and working with several other teams, including USA teams, at Microsoft. This is one of the rare opportunities for you to learn and grow in building/managing a mission critical high-scale subsystem from end to end. First and foremost, we are looking for a strong technically hands-on software engineer, who has passion and desire to: 1) work on cloud services, 2) solve some of the hardest technical problems, and 3) work well with others. Experience in building services at Microsoft or externally is required.
Basic Qualifications:
4+ years of software development experience in the commercial software industry
BS in Computer Science or Engineer or equivalent industry experience
Prefer experience with C#, PowerShell, Web Services, and SQL
Microsoft Cloud Background Check: This position will be required to pass the Microsoft Cloud background check upon hire/transfer and every two years thereafter.
Microsoft is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, religion, national origin, marital status, age, disability, veteran status, genetic information, or any other protected status.
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