例子:Alarm Clock with voice Commands Sample
- 如何使用自定义字体文件(.TTF)
- 如何播放声音
- 动画的使用
- Speech
- 设置闹铃
- 应用 设置 数据存储到IsolatedStorage
- 如何使用自定义字体文件(.TTF)
<TextBlock x:Name="TimeBlock" HorizontalAlignment="Center" FontFamily="/AlarmClockWithVoice;component/Fonts/Fonts.zip#Quartz MS" Margin="89,272,87,256" FontSize="60">
(FontFamily="/AlarmClockWithVoice;component/Fonts/Fonts.zip#Quartz MS")
(FontFamily="/Assets/Fonts/Fonts.zip#Quartz MS")
注意: Windows Phone 显示应用指定的 FontFamily 中的文本。如果字符不受 FontFamily 支持,或者应用未指定 FontFamily,Windows Phone 将基于字符和用于显示文本的框架元素的 xml:lang 选择一种字体。
- 如何播放声音
StreamResourceInfo info = App.GetResourceStream(new Uri("Audio/alarm.wav", UriKind.Relative));
Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio.SoundEffect alarm = SoundEffect.FromStream(info.Stream);
播放,停止等操作,当前SoundEffect对象的状态SoundState 可以通过 属性State获取:
else if (alarmSound.State == SoundState.Playing)
else if (alarmSound.State == SoundState.Playing)
- 动画的使用
小时指针 图片的动画:
<Image x:Name="hourHand" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="20" Margin="255,203,0,0" Grid.Row="1" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="99" Source="/Images/hourHand.jpg" RenderTransformOrigin="0.097,0.5">
<CompositeTransform ScaleX="1.5" ScaleY="1.5" TranslateX="-20.15"/>
主要是通过“UIElement.RenderTransform”来实现的: public Transform RenderTransform { get; set; } 要使用多个动画效果,可以使用TransformGroup把多个动画包含其中。
1、TransLateTransForm 移动位置,包含水平移动和垂直移动
2、ScaleTransform 缩放变换 对UI进行放大缩小 包含X轴上的缩放和Y轴上的缩放
3、RotateTransform 旋转 根据定义的旋转点设置角度进行旋转
4、SkewTransform 对UI进行一定角度的倾斜
5、MatrixTransfrom 矩阵变换,一句标准矩阵表示的变换
6、TransformGroup 复合变换按照指定顺序将多个变换复合为一个变换
7、CompositeTransform 组合变换按照固定顺序组合一系列变换
- Speech
1. 右键工程,新 添加 “语音命令项”
<Command Name="alarmTimeSet">
<Example>Set alarm to 7:30 am.</Example>
<ListenFor>Set alarm to {hour} {minute} {ampm}</ListenFor>
<Feedback>Setting the alarm clock</Feedback>
<Navigate Target="MainPage.xaml"/>
</Command> <PhraseList Label="hour">
2. 初始化语音命令:
Uri uri = new Uri("ms-appx:///voicecommands.xml", UriKind.Absolute);
await Windows.Phone.Speech.VoiceCommands.VoiceCommandService.InstallCommandSetsFromFileAsync(uri);
1. 初始化语音识别相关属性:
using Windows.Phone.Speech.Recognition;
using Windows.Phone.Speech.Synthesis; Speech.recognizer = new SpeechRecognizer();
Speech.synthesizer = new SpeechSynthesizer();
Speech.recognizerUI = new SpeechRecognizerUI(); // Sets the en-US male voice.
IEnumerable<VoiceInformation> enUSMaleVoices = from voice in InstalledVoices.All
where voice.Gender == VoiceGender.Male
&& voice.Language == "en-US"
select voice; Speech.synthesizer.SetVoice(enUSMaleVoices.ElementAt());
2. 朗读文本:
await Speech.synthesizer.SpeakTextAsync("Alarm is now set for "
+ Settings.alarmTime.Value.Hours + " " + Settings.alarmTime.Value.Minutes);
- 设置闹铃
1. 初始化设置闹钟:
using Microsoft.Phone.Scheduler; public static Alarm alarm; Clock.alarm = new Alarm("alarm");
Clock.alarm.ExpirationTime = DateTime.MaxValue;
Clock.alarm.RecurrenceType = RecurrenceInterval.Daily;
Clock.alarm.Sound = new Uri("Audio/alarm.wav", UriKind.Relative);
Clock.alarm.Content = "Alarm ringing!";
2. 添加到SchduleActionService,一个专门用于管理计划任务的类:
参数为 年月日时分秒, 1 表示everyday。
Clock.alarm.BeginTime = new DateTime(, , , hours, minutes, );
- 应用 设置 数据存储到IsolatedStorage
using System.IO.IsolatedStorage; public class StoredItem<T>
private T value;
private T defaultValue;
private string name;
private bool needRefresh; public StoredItem(string _name, T _defaultValue)
this.name = _name;
this.defaultValue = _defaultValue; // If isolated storage doesn't have the value stored yet
if (!IsolatedStorageSettings.ApplicationSettings.TryGetValue(this.name, out this.value))
this.value = _defaultValue;
IsolatedStorageSettings.ApplicationSettings[this.name] = _defaultValue;
} this.needRefresh = false;
} public T Value
if (this.needRefresh)
if (!IsolatedStorageSettings.ApplicationSettings.TryGetValue(this.name, out this.value))
IsolatedStorageSettings.ApplicationSettings[this.name] = this.defaultValue;
this.value = this.defaultValue;
this.needRefresh = false;
} return this.value;
if (this.value.Equals(value))
return; // Store the value in isolated storage.
IsolatedStorageSettings.ApplicationSettings[this.name] = value;
this.needRefresh = true;
} public T DefaultValue
return this.defaultValue;
} public string Name
return this.name;
} public override string ToString()
return this.name
+ " with value: " + this.value.ToString()
+ ", default value: " + this.defaultValue.ToString();
} public void ForceRefresh()
this.needRefresh = true;
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