



 #include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#define MAX_N 1005
#define MAX 20005 using namespace std; typedef int Position;
typedef struct _edge
Position from;
Position to;
int cost;
int fcomp(const void *a, const void *b)
return (*(Edge_Set *)b).cost - (*(Edge_Set *)a).cost;
} static Edge_Set edge[MAX];
static Position Set[MAX_N]; Position Find(Position);
void Union(Position, Position);
void Kruskal(const int, const int);
bool Is_Connected(const int); int main(void)
int Node_Sum, Path_Sum, cost;
Position tmp_from, tmp_to; while (~scanf("%d%d", &Node_Sum, &Path_Sum))
for (int i = ; i < Path_Sum; i++)//读入边
scanf("%d%d%d", &tmp_from, &tmp_to, &cost);
edge[i].from = tmp_from; edge[i].to = tmp_to; edge[i].cost = cost;
qsort(edge, Path_Sum, sizeof(Edge_Set), fcomp);
Kruskal(Node_Sum, Path_Sum);
return ;
} Position Find(Position x)
if (Set[x] < )
return x;
else return Set[x] = Find(Set[x]);
} void Union(Position px, Position py)
if (Set[px] < Set[py])
Set[px] += Set[py];
Set[py] = px;
Set[py] += Set[px];
Set[px] = py;
} bool Is_Connected(const int Node_Sum)
Position p_u, p_tmp;
p_u = Find();
for (int i = ; i <= Node_Sum; i++)
p_tmp = Find(i);
if (p_u != p_tmp)
return false;
return true;
} void Kruskal(const int Node_Sum, const int Path_Sum)
Position px, py, from, to;
long long ans = ; fill(Set, Set + Node_Sum + , -);
for (int i = ; i < Path_Sum; i++)
from = edge[i].from; to = edge[i].to;
px = Find(from); py = Find(to); if (px != py)
ans += edge[i].cost;
Union(px, py);
if (Is_Connected(Node_Sum))
printf("%lld\n", ans);

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