
When webhooks are triggered in the gateway, a notification is sent as a POST request to the specified destination URL. The post body contains two x-www-form-urlencoded parameters:

  • bt_signature
  • bt_payload

This payload is signed to ensure that the message originated from Braintree and was not modified in transit. The message is identical to standard API responses and contains a snapshot of the related entity at the time the webhook was triggered.

These parameters should be passed to the Braintree_WebhookNotification::parse. The result will be a WebhookNotification object consisting of:

  • A timestamp (in UTC)
    • Tip: Notifications may not be delivered sequentially, so be sure to look at the timestamp of the event.
  • A kind (directly mapped to triggers)
  • A standard Braintree object, depending on the type of notification (e.g. a subscription object for recurring billing webhooks)
    • Tip: Save webhook data to your database for reporting purposes or use it to trigger other actions in your app


isset($_POST["bt_signature"]) &&
) {
$webhookNotification = Braintree_WebhookNotification::parse(
$_POST["bt_signature"], $_POST["bt_payload"]
); $message =
"[Webhook Received " . $webhookNotification->timestamp->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "] "
. "Kind: " . $webhookNotification->kind . " | "; file_put_contents("/tmp/webhook.log", $message, FILE_APPEND);

Notice how we are using file_put_contents to store the result of the received Webhooks to /tmp/webhooks.log.


$webhookNotification = Braintree_WebhookNotification::parse(
$_POST["bt_signature"], $_POST["bt_payload"]
); $webhookNotification->kind;
# => "subscription_went_past_due" $webhookNotification->timestamp;
# => Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 UTC 2012

An exception may be raised while attempting to parse a Webhook signature.

Next: Testing and Go Live →

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