#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> #define N 15 int chessboard[N + ][N + ] = { }; int whoseTurn = ; void initGame(void);
void printChessboard(void);
void playChess(void);
int judge(int, int); int main(void)
initGame(); while ()
whoseTurn++; playChess();
} return ;
} void initGame(void)
char c; printf("Please input \'y\' to enter the game:");
c = getchar();
if ('y' != c && 'Y' != c)
exit(); system("cls");
} void printChessboard(void)
int i, j; for (i = ; i <= N; i++)
for (j = ; j <= N; j++)
if ( == i)
printf("%3d", j);
else if (j == )
printf("%3d", i);
else if ( == chessboard[i][j])
printf(" O");
else if ( == chessboard[i][j])
printf(" X");
printf(" *");
} void playChess(void)
int i, j, winner; if ( == whoseTurn % )
printf("Turn to player 1, please input the position:");
scanf("%d %d", &i, &j); while (chessboard[i][j] != )
printf("This position has been occupied, please input the position again:");
scanf("%d %d", &i, &j);
} chessboard[i][j] = ;
printf("Turn to player 1, please input the position:");
scanf("%d %d", &i, &j); while (chessboard[i][j] != )
printf("This position has been occupied, please input the position again:");
scanf("%d %d", &i, &j);
} chessboard[i][j] = ;
} system("cls");
printChessboard(); if (judge(i, j))
if ( == whoseTurn % )
printf("Winner is player 1!\n");
printf("Winner is player 2!\n");
} int judge(int x, int y)
int i, j;
int t = - whoseTurn % ; for (i = x - , j = y; i <= x; i++)
if (i >= && i <= N - && t == chessboard[i][j] && t == chessboard[i + ][j] && t == chessboard[i + ][j] && t == chessboard[i + ][j] && t == chessboard[i + ][j])
return ;
for (i = x, j = y - ; j <= y; j++)
if (j >= && j <= N - && t == chessboard[i][j] && t == chessboard[i][j + ] && t == chessboard[i][j + ] && t == chessboard[i][j + ] && t == chessboard[i][j + ])
return ;
for (i = x - , j = y - ; i <= x, j <= y; i++, j++)
if (i >= && i <= N - && j >= && j <= N - && t == chessboard[i][j] && t == chessboard[i + ][j + ] && t == chessboard[i + ][j + ] && t == chessboard[i + ][j + ] && t == chessboard[i + ][j + ])
return ;
for (i = x + , j = y - ; i >= , j <= y; i--, j++)
if (i >= && i <= N - && j >= && j <= N - && t == chessboard[i][j] && t == chessboard[i - ][j + ] && t == chessboard[i - ][j + ] && t == chessboard[i - ][j + ] && t == chessboard[i - ][j + ])
return ;
} return ;


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