- [postgres@web1 ~]$ /data/pgsql/bin/createuser --help
- createuser creates a new PostgreSQL role.
- Usage:
- createuser [OPTION]... [ROLENAME]
- Options:
- -c, --connection-limit=N connection limit for role (default: no limit)
- -d, --createdb role can create new databases
- -D, --no-createdb role cannot create databases (default)
- -e, --echo show the commands being sent to the server
- -E, --encrypted encrypt stored password
- -i, --inherit role inherits privileges of roles it is a
- member of (default)
- -I, --no-inherit role does not inherit privileges
- -l, --login role can login (default)
- -L, --no-login role cannot login
- -N, --unencrypted do not encrypt stored password
- -P, --pwprompt assign a password to new role
- -r, --createrole role can create new roles
- -R, --no-createrole role cannot create roles (default)
- -s, --superuser role will be superuser
- -S, --no-superuser role will not be superuser (default)
- -V, --version output version information, then exit
- --interactive prompt for missing role name and attributes rather
- than using defaults
- --replication role can initiate replication
- --no-replication role cannot initiate replication
- -?, --help show this help, then exit
- Connection options:
- -h, --host=HOSTNAME database server host or socket directory
- -p, --port=PORT database server port
- -U, --username=USERNAME user name to connect as (not the one to create)
- -w, --no-password never prompt for password
- -W, --password force password prompt
- Report bugs to <>.
- [postgres@web1 ~]$
- [postgres@web1 ~]$
- [postgres@web1 ~]$ /data/pgsql/bin/createuser zhongwc -P
- Enter password for new role:
- Enter it again:
- [postgres@web1 ~]$
- [postgres@web1 ~]$ /data/pgsql/bin/createdb --help
- createdb creates a PostgreSQL database.
- Usage:
- Options:
- -D, --tablespace=TABLESPACE default tablespace for the database
- -e, --echo show the commands being sent to the server
- -E, --encoding=ENCODING encoding for the database
- -l, --locale=LOCALE locale settings for the database
- --lc-collate=LOCALE LC_COLLATE setting for the database
- --lc-ctype=LOCALE LC_CTYPE setting for the database
- -O, --owner=OWNER database user to own the new database
- -T, --template=TEMPLATE template database to copy
- -V, --version output version information, then exit
- -?, --help show this help, then exit
- Connection options:
- -h, --host=HOSTNAME database server host or socket directory
- -p, --port=PORT database server port
- -U, --username=USERNAME user name to connect as
- -w, --no-password never prompt for password
- -W, --password force password prompt
- --maintenance-db=DBNAME alternate maintenance database
- By default, a database with the same name as the current user is created.
- Report bugs to <>.
- [postgres@web1 ~]$
- [postgres@web1 ~]$
- [postgres@web1 ~]$ /data/pgsql/bin/createdb zwcdb
- [postgres@web1 ~]$ psql -U zhongwc -d zwcdb
- psql (9.2.2)
- Type "help" for help.
- zwcdb=> help
- You are using psql, the command-line interface to PostgreSQL.
- Type: \copyright for distribution terms
- \h for help with SQL commands
- \? for help with psql commands
- \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
- \q to quit
- zwcdb=>
- [postgres@web1 data]$ psql -U zhongwc -d zwcdb -h -p 1521
- Password for user zhongwc:
- psql (9.2.2)
- Type "help" for help.
- zwcdb=> create table t_zhongwc(pid integer,pname varchar(32),constraint zhongwc_pid_pk primary key(pid));
- NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "zhongwc_pid_pk" for table "t_zhongwc"
- zwcdb=>
- zwcdb=> select * from t_zhongwc;
- pid | pname
- -----+-------
- (0 rows)
- zwcdb=> drop table t_zhongwc;
- zwcdb=> drop table t_zhongwc;
- ERROR: table "t_zhongwc" does not exist
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