从0开始学Java——eclipse下运行servlet程序警告:Setting property 'source' to 'org.eclipse.jst.jee.server:类名' did not find a matching property.
在使用Eclipse 创建第一个 Servlet之后,并且配置好了tomcat,然后Run on server的之后,提示标题所示错误:
2、general选项卡中点switch location
这时,location变为:/servers/tomcat6.0 server at localhost.server
3、在project explore中找到tomcat项目--Tomcat v6.0 Server at localhost.server 这个文件 ,双击打开
This is not an error. This is a warning. The difference is pretty huge. This particular warning basically means that the <Context>
element in Tomcat's server.xml
contains an unknown attribute source
and that Tomcat doesn't know what to do with this attribute and therefore will ignore it.
Eclipse WTP adds a custom attribute source
to the project related <Context>
element in the server.xml
of Tomcat which identifies the source of the context (the actual project in the workspace which is deployed to the particular server). This way Eclipse can correlate the deployed webapplication with an project in the workspace. Since Tomcat version 6.0.16, any unspecified XML tags and attributes in the server.xml
will produce a warning during Tomcat's startup, even though there is no DTD nor XSD for server.xml
从0开始学Java——eclipse下运行servlet程序警告:Setting property 'source' to 'org.eclipse.jst.jee.server:类名' did not find a matching property.的更多相关文章
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这个问题困扰很久了,逛了很多论坛,终于得以解决 我的控制台错误如下: 五月 , :: 下午 org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log ...
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控制台看到如下警告: 症状原因: 在eclipse配置好的tomcat服务器上双击,打开tomcat服务器的配置界面.按如下操作配置服务器:在Server Options勾上的选项,会在你部署web项 ...
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