人机协同的半自动人形机器人 —— Covariant公司的RFM-1机器人
纽约大学的通用机器人和人工智能实验室负责人Lerrel Pinto表示,尽管机器人学家以前构建过基本的多模态机器人,并在实验室环境中使用过它们,但在规模上部署一个能够以这么多模式进行通信的机器人,对于公司来说是一项令人印象深刻的成就。
Covariant表示,该模型具有“类似人类”的推理能力,但也有其局限性。在演示中,我可以看到Covariant机器人的实时视频,以及一个与之交流的聊天窗口,陈邀请我随意提问模型。当我要求机器人“将香蕉送回Tote Two”时,它在追踪自己的步骤时遇到了困难,导致它先拿起了一个海绵,然后是一个苹果,然后是一大堆其他物品,最终才完成了香蕉任务。
For example, show it an image of a bin filled with sports equipment, and tell it to pick up the pack of tennis balls. The robot can then grab the item, generate an image of what the bin will look like after the tennis balls are gone, or create a video showing a bird’s-eye view of how the robot will look doing the task.
If the model predicts it won’t be able to properly grasp the item, it might even type back, “I can’t get a good grip. Do you have any tips?” A response could advise it to use a specific number of the suction cups on its arms to give it better a grasp—eight versus six, for example.
This represents a leap forward, Chen told me, in robots that can adapt to their environment using training data rather than the complex, task-specific code that powered the previous generation of industrial robots. It’s also a step toward worksites where managers can issue instructions in human language without concern for the limitations of human labor. (“Pack 600 meal-prep kits for red pepper pasta using the following recipe. Take no breaks!”)
Lerrel Pinto, a researcher who runs the general-purpose robotics and AI lab at New York University and has no ties to Covariant, says that even though roboticists have built basic multimodal robots before and used them in lab settings, deploying one at scale that’s able to communicate in this many modes marks an impressive feat for the company.
To outpace its competitors, Covariant will have to get its hands on enough data for the robot to become useful in the wild, Pinto told me. Warehouse floors and loading docks are where it will be put to the test, constantly interacting with new instructions, people, objects, and environments.
“The groups which are going to train good models are going to be the ones that have either access to already large amounts of robot data or capabilities to generate those data,” he says.
Covariant says the model has a “human-like” ability to reason, but it has its limitations. During the demonstration, in which I could see a live feed of a Covariant robot as well as a chat window to communicate with it, Chen invited me to prompt the model with anything I wanted. When I asked the robot to “return the banana to Tote Two,” it struggled with retracing its steps, leading it to pick up a sponge, then an apple, then a host of other items before it finally accomplished the banana task.
“It doesn’t understand the new concept,” Chen said by way of explanation, “but it’s a good example—it might not work well yet in the places where you don’t have good training data.”
The company’s new model embodies a paradigm shift rippling through the robotics world. Rather than teaching a robot how the world works manually, through instructions like physics equations and code, researchers are teaching it in the same way humans learn: through millions of observations.
The result “really can act as a very effective flexible brain to solve arbitrary robot tasks,” Chen said.
人机协同的半自动人形机器人 —— Covariant公司的RFM-1机器人的更多相关文章
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