
DI-Kafkameter is a JMeter plugin that allows you to test and measure the performance of Apache Kafka.


The DI-Kafkameter comprises of 2 components, which are

  • Producer Component
    1. Kafka Producer Config
    2. Kafka Producer Sampler
  • Consumer Component
    1. Kafka Consumer Config
    2. Kafka Consumer Sampler

Producer Component (Publish a Message to a Topic)

To publish/send a message to a Kafka topic you need to add producer components to the testplan.

  • The Kafka Producer config is responsible to hold the connection information, which includes security and other properties required to talk to the broker.
  • The Kakfa Producer Sampler helps to send messages to the topic with the connection established using Config element.

Right click on Test Plan -> Add -> Config Element -> Kafka Producer Config

Provide a Variable name to export the connection object (Which will be used in Sampler element)

Provide the Kafka connection configs (list of Brokers with comma separated)

Provide a Client ID (Make it unique, to define where you sending the message from)

Select the right security to connect to brokers (This will be completely based on how Kafka security is defined)

For JAAS Security, You need to add the below key and value to the Additional Properties
Config key: sasl.jaas.config
Config value: required username="<USERNAME>" password="<PASSWORD>";

Right click on Test Plan -> Add -> Sampler -> Kafka Producer Sampler

Use the same Variable name which was defined in the config element

Define the topic name where you want to send the message (Case sensitive)

Kafka Message - The Original message which needs to be pushed to the topic

Partition String (Optional) - This option helps you to post messages to particular partition by providing the partition number

Message Headers (Optional) - This helps in adding headers to the messages which are being pushed (Supports more than one header)

Consumer Component (Read Message from a topic)

To Consume/Read a message from a Kafka topic you need to add Consumer components to the testplan.

  • The Kafka Consumer config is responsible to hold the connection information, which includes security and other properties required to talk to the broker.
  • The Kafka Consumer Sampler helps to read messages from the topic with the connection established using Config element.

Right click on Test Plan -> Add -> Config Element -> Kafka Consumer Config

Provide a Variable name to export the connection object (Which will be used in Sampler element)

Provide the Kafka connection configs (list of Brokers with comma separated)

Provide a Group ID (Make it unique, to define the group your consumer belongs to)

Define the topic name where you want to send the message (Case sensitive)

No Of Messages to Poll - This allows you to define the number of messages to read within a request (Defaults to 1)

Select the right security to connect to brokers (This will be completely based on how Kafka security is defined)

Auto Commit - This will set the offset as read, once the message is consumed

Select the right security to connect to brokers (This will be completely based on how Kafka security is defined)

For JAAS Security, You need to add the below key and value to the Additional Properties
Config key: sasl.jaas.config
Config value: required username="<USERNAME>" password="<PASSWORD>";

Right click on Test Plan -> Add -> Sampler -> Kafka Consumer Sampler

Use the same Variable name which was defined in the config element

Poll timeout - This helps to set the polling timeout for consumer to read from topic (Defaults to 100 ms)

Commit Type - Defines the Commit type (Sync/Async)

Producer Properties

Supported Producer properties which can be added to Additional Properties field.

Property Available Options Default
acks [0, 1, -1] 1
batch.size positive integer 16384
bootstrap.servers comma-separated host:port pairs localhost:9092
buffer.memory positive long 33554432 string ""
compression.type [none, gzip, snappy, lz4, zstd] none positive long 540000 positive long 120000
enable.idempotence [true, false] false
interceptor.classes fully-qualified class names []
key.serializer fully-qualified class name org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer non-negative integer 0 non-negative long 60000 positive integer 5
max.request.size positive integer 1048576 positive long 60000 positive long 300000
partitioner.class fully-qualified class name org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.DefaultPartitioner
receive.buffer.bytes positive integer 32768 non-negative long 50 positive integer 30000
retries non-negative integer 0
sasl.jaas.config string null
sasl.kerberos.kinit.cmd string /usr/bin/kinit
sasl.kerberos.min.time.before.relogin positive long 60000 string null
sasl.mechanism [GSSAPI, PLAIN, SCRAM-SHA-256, SCRAM-SHA-512] GSSAPI
security.protocol [PLAINTEXT, SSL, SASL_PLAINTEXT, SASL_SSL] PLAINTEXT non-negative long 0
send.buffer.bytes positive integer 131072
value.serializer fully-qualified class name org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer

Consumer Properties

Supported Consumer properties which can be added to Additional Properties field.

Property Available Options Default positive integer 5000
auto.offset.reset [earliest, latest, none] latest
bootstrap.servers comma-separated host:port pairs localhost:9092
check.crcs [true, false] true string "" positive long 540000 [true, false] true
exclude.internal.topics [true, false] true
fetch.max.bytes positive long 52428800 non-negative integer 500
fetch.min.bytes non-negative integer 1 string "" positive integer 3000
interceptor.classes fully-qualified class names []
isolation.level [read_uncommitted, read_committed] read_uncommitted
key.deserializer fully-qualified class name org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer
max.partition.fetch.bytes positive integer 1048576 positive long 300000
max.poll.records positive integer 500 positive long 300000 positive long 60000
receive.buffer.bytes positive integer 32768 non-negative long 50 positive integer 30000 non-negative long 100
sasl.jaas.config string null
sasl.kerberos.kinit.cmd string /usr/bin/kinit
sasl.kerberos.min.time.before.relogin positive long 60000 string null
sasl.mechanism [GSSAPI, PLAIN, SCRAM-SHA-256, SCRAM-SHA-512] GSSAPI
send.buffer.bytes positive integer 131072 positive integer 10000
value.deserializer fully-qualified class name org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer

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