

#include <iostream>
using namespace std; template<class T>
struct Plus
T operator()(const T& x, const T& y)const
return x + y;
}; template<class T>
struct Minus
T operator()(const T& x, const T& y)const
return x - y;
}; int main()
Minus<int>minusobj; cout << plusobj(, ) << endl;
cout << minusobj(, ) << endl; //以下直接产生仿函数的临时对象,并调用
cout << Plus<int>()(, ) << endl;
cout << Minus<int>()(, ) << endl; system("pause");
return ;


vector<int>() = {1};


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std; /*
template <class InputIterator,class Function>
Function for_each(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, Function f)
for (; first != last; ++first)
return f;
*/ template <typename T>
class print
void operator()(const T& elem)
cout << elem << ' ' << endl;
}; int main()
int ia[] = { ,,,,, };
vector<int>iv(ia, ia + ); for_each(iv.begin(), iv.end(), print<int>()); system("pause");
return ;


In C++11, non-static data members, static constexpr data members, and static const data members of integral or enumeration type may be initialized in the class declaration. e.g.

struct X {
int i=5;
const float f=3.12f;
static const int j=42;
static constexpr float g=9.5f;

In this case, the i member of all instances of class X is initialized to 5 by the compiler-generated constructor, and the f member is initialized to 3.12. The static const data member j is initialized to 42, and the static constexpr data member g is initialized to 9.5.

Since float and double are not of integral or enumeration type, such members must either be constexpr, or non-static in order for the initializer in the class definition to be permitted.

Prior to C++11, only static const data members of integral or enumeration type could have initializers in the class definition.

const 和 constexpr 变量之间的主要区别在于:const 变量的初始化可以延迟到运行时,而 constexpr 变量必须在编译时进行初始化。所有 constexpr 变量均为常量,因此必须使用常量表达式初始化。


编译器常量的特点就是:它的值在编译期就可以确定。比如:const int i = 5;

const int i = rand();

const double PI = 3.1415926;
void f(const string& s) {...}

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std; template <typename T>
class testClass
static const int a = ;
static const long b = 3L;
static const char c = 'c';
static const double d = 100.1;
}; int main()
cout << testClass<int>::a << endl;
cout << testClass<int>::b << endl;
cout << testClass<int>::c << endl;
cout << testClass<int>::d << endl; system("pause");
return ;


i++调用operator++(int), ++i调用operator++()

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std; class INT
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const INT& i);
INT(int i) :m_i(i) {};
INT& operator++()
return *this;
const INT operator++(int)
INT temp = *this;
return temp;
int& operator*() const
return (int&)m_i;
//下面的语句会出错,因为将int&类型的引用绑定到const int类型的初始值设定项。由于函数是const成员函数导致
//return m_i;
int m_i;
}; ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const INT& i)
os << '[' << i.m_i << ']' << endl;
return os;
} int main()
INT I();
cout << I++;
cout << ++I;
cout << *I; system("pause");
return ;


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