You were just hired as CEO of the local junkyard.One of your jobs is dealing with the incoming trash and sorting it for recycling.The trash comes every day in n containers and each of these containers contains certain amount of each of the n types of trash.Given the amount of trash in the containers find the optimal way to sort the trash.Sorting the trash means putting every type of trash in separate container.Each of the given containers has infinite capacity.The effort for moving one unit of trash from container i to j is 1 if i != j otherwise it is 0.You are to minimize the total effort.

The first line contains the number n (1 <= n <= 150), the rest of the input file contains the descriptions of the containers.The 1 + i-th line contains the desctiption of the i-th container the j-th amount (0 <= amount <= 100) on this line denotes the amount of the j-th type of trash in the i-th container.

You should write the minimal effort that is required for sorting the trash.

Sample Input
62 41 86 94
73 58 11 12
69 93 89 88
81 40 69 13

Sample Output


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