






using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
int main (void)
ll n, m;
cin>>n>>m; ll res = 0;
ll ans = min(n/2, m);
res = (n - 1+ (n - ans + 1))/ 2 * ans + (n - 2 * ans + n - ans - 1)/2 * ans;
cout<<res<<endl; return 0;



using namespace std;
int main (void)
long long n, m;
long long res = max(n - 2 * m, 0ll);
long long ans = n * (n - 1)/2 - res * (res - 1) / 2;
cout<<ans<<endl; return 0;


using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
const int maxn = 400020;
int bit[maxn], a[maxn];
int n, m;
int sum(int i)
int s = 0;
s += bit[i];
i -= i & -i;
return s;
void add(int i, int x)
while(i <= n){
bit[i] += x;
i += i & -i;
int main (void)
if(m >= n / 2){
cout<<(ll) n * (n - 1)/2<<endl;
return 0;
for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) a[i] = i;
for(int i = 1; i <= m; i++) swap(a[i], a[n - i + 1]);
ll res = 0;
for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++){
add(a[i], 1);
res +=i - sum(a[i]); }

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