
Writing Checks (Introduction)

Writing agent based checks

The New Check API





# example output of this check:
# <<<sas2ircu>>>
# volume 0 79 okay_(oky) 0d9383a8258e32ac raid1 1907200
# disk 0 0 optimal_(opt) 5000c50-0-569e-8a83 seagate st2000nm0023 z1x065wj sas sas_hdd
# disk 0 1 optimal_(opt) 5000c50-0-569f-2021 seagate st2000nm0023 z1x0j231 sas sas_hdd
# each line starts with the type ('disk' or 'volume')
# the 2nd column is the controller id (first controller=0, second controller=1, ...)
# the 3rd column for volume is the volume id and for disks is the slot number
# the 4th column is the state
# the order of the fields is configured in the arrays 'volumeOutputOrder' and 'diskOutputOrder' # 标签,使用<<< ... >>>引用,与服务端的检测插件名称匹配
# 信息部分,处理为行列二维列表,用于服务端接收 import subprocess
import sys # raidCommand is the cli utility name which is executed to get the information
raidCommand = "sas2ircu" # volumeAttrs is a list of key:value pairs where key is the volume fieldname of the output from sas2ircu cli utility and value is the internal name used in *OutputOrder list. use lower case letters!
volumeAttrs = { 'volume id': 'volumeid', 'status of volume': 'status', 'volume wwid': 'wwid', 'raid level': 'raid', 'size (in mb)': 'size' }
# diskAttrs is a list of key:value pairs where key is the disk fieldname of the output from sas2ircu cli utility and value is the internal name used in *OutputOrder list. use lower case letters!
diskAttrs = { 'slot #': 'slot', 'state': 'status', 'sas address': 'sasaddr', 'manufacturer': 'manufacturer', 'model number': 'model', 'serial no': 'serial', 'protocol': 'protocol', 'drive type': 'type' } # volumeOutputOrder is a list of the internal names for volumes used for the output in the given order
volumeOutputOrder = [ 'controller', 'volumeid', 'status', 'wwid', 'raid', 'size' ]
# diskOutputOrder is a list of the internal names for disks used for the output in the given order
diskOutputOrder = [ 'controller', 'slot', 'status', 'sasaddr', 'manufacturer', 'model', 'serial', 'protocol', 'type' ] def returnVolumeTpl():
volumeTpl = { 'controller': '-1' }
for name, code in volumeAttrs.items():
volumeTpl[code] = '-'
return volumeTpl def returnDiskTpl():
diskTpl = { 'controller': '-1' }
for name, code in diskAttrs.items():
diskTpl[code] = '-'
return diskTpl # checkNextController is a flag if current controller (int 0-255) is present and so the next controller id should be checked
checkNextController = True
listVolumes = []
listDisks = [] for i in range( 0, 255 ):
if checkNextController:
cmd = subprocess.Popen( raidCommand+" "+str(i)+" DISPLAY", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT )
mode = "unknown"
volumeNr = 0
diskNr = 0
volume = returnVolumeTpl()
disk = returnDiskTpl()
for line in cmd.stdout:
line = line.strip().lower()
if "sas2ircu: not found" in line:
checkNextController = False
checkIfPresentLine = "SAS2IRCU: No Controller Found at index "+str(i)+"."
checkIfPresentLine = checkIfPresentLine.lower()
if line == checkIfPresentLine:
checkNextController = False
parts = map( str.strip, line.split(":") )
if parts[0] == "sas2ircu" or parts[0].startswith("------") or parts[0].startswith("ir volume") or len(parts[0]) == 0:
if mode == "volume":
if volume['controller'] != "-1":
volume = returnVolumeTpl()
if mode == "harddisk":
if disk['controller'] != "-1":
disk = returnDiskTpl()
if parts[0] == "volume id":
volume['controller'] = str(i)
volume['volume'] = parts[1]
mode = "volume"
if parts[0] == "device is a hard disk":
disk['controller'] = str(i)
mode = "harddisk"
if mode == "volume" and len(parts) > 1:
if parts[0] in volumeAttrs:
volume[volumeAttrs[parts[0]]] = parts[1].replace( " ", "_" )
if mode == "harddisk" and len(parts) > 1:
if parts[0] in diskAttrs:
disk[diskAttrs[parts[0]]] = parts[1].replace( " ", "_" )
break # output the checks in order of volumeOutputOrder and diskOutputOrder if len(listVolumes) > 0 or len(listDisks) > 0:
sys.stdout.write( "<<<sas2ircu>>>\n" )
for volume in listVolumes:
sys.stdout.write( "volume " )
for name in volumeOutputOrder:
sys.stdout.write( volume[name]+" " )
sys.stdout.write( "\n" )
for disk in listDisks:
sys.stdout.write( "disk " )
for name in diskOutputOrder:
sys.stdout.write( disk[name]+" " )
sys.stdout.write( "\n" ) sys.stdout.flush()


# -*- encoding: utf-8; py-indent-offset: 4 -*- # EXAMPLE DATA FROM CHECK 'sas2ircu':
# <<<sas2ircu>>>
# volume 0 79 okay_(oky) 0691440a258e54cc raid1 1907200
# disk 0 0 optimal_(opt) 5000c50-0-569e-9bad seagate st2000nm0023 z1x08nwc sas sas_hdd
# disk 0 1 optimal_(opt) 5000c50-0-569f-8055 seagate st2000nm0023 z1x091jj sas sas_hdd
# Integrated RAID Volume State values are as follows:
#  Okay (OKY) – The volume is active and drives are functioning properly. User data is protected if the current RAID level provides data protection.
#  Degraded (DGD) – The volume is active. User data is not fully protected because the configuration has changed or a drive has failed.
#  Failed (FLD) – The volume has failed.
#  Missing (MIS) – The volume is missing.
#  Initializing (INIT) – The volume is initializing.
#  Online (ONL) – The volume is online.
# Physical device State values are as follows:
#  Online (ONL) – The drive is operational and is part of a volume.
#  Hot Spare (HSP) – The drive is a hot spare that is available to replace a failed drive in a volume.
#  Ready (RDY) – The drive is ready for use as a normal disk drive, or it is ready to be assigned to a volume or a hot spare pool.
#  Available (AVL) – The drive might not be ready, and it is not suitable for use in a volume or a hot spare pool.
#  Failed (FLD) – The drive failed and is now offline.
# n Missing (MIS) – The drive has been removed or is not responding.
#  Standby (SBY) – The device is not a hard-disk device.
#  Out of Sync (OSY) – The drive, which is part of an Integrated RAID volume, is not in sync with other drives that are part of the volume.
#  Degraded (DGD) – The drive is part of a volume and is in degraded state.
#  Rebuilding (RBLD) – The drive is part of a volume and is currently rebuilding.
#  Optimal (OPT) – The drive is optimal and is part of a volume.
# Physical device Drive Type values are as follows:
#  SAS_HDD – The drive is a SAS HDD.
#  SATA_HDD – The drive is a SATA HDD.
#  SAS_SSD – The drive is a SAS SSD.
#  SATA_SSD – The drive is a SATA SSD.
# Physical device Protocol values are as follows:
#  SAS – The drive supports SAS protocol.
#  SATA – The drive supports SATA protocol. def inventory_sas2ircu(info):
inventory = []
for line in info:
itemName = ""
if line[0] == "volume":
# input: volume 0 79 okay_(oky) 0691440a258e54cc raid1 1907200
# itemName=VOLUME 0/79 (raid1, 1862GB)
itemName = "VOLUME "+line[1]+"/"+line[2]+" ("+line[5]+", "+str(int(line[6])/1024)+"GB)"
elif line[0] == "disk":
# input: disk 0 1 optimal_(opt) 5000c50-0-569f-8055 seagate st2000nm0023 z1x091jj sas sas_hdd
# itemName=DISK 0/1 ST2000NM0023_Z1X091JJ (SAS_HDD)
itemName = "DISK "+line[1]+"/"+line[2]+" "+line[6].upper()+"_"+line[7].upper()+" ("+line[9].upper()+")"
if len(itemName) > 0:
inventory.append((itemName, None))
return inventory # info是客户端插件传递来的二组列表,inventory函数返回包含元组的列表,元组第1个值是checkname,元组第2个值是agnetdata输出,如果没有值的话,使用None代替 def check_sas2ircu(item, params, info):
infoText = "" for line in info:
itemName = ""
if line[0] == "volume":
# input: volume 0 79 okay_(oky) 0691440a258e54cc raid1 1907200
# itemName=VOLUME 0/79 (raid1, 1862GB)
itemName = "VOLUME "+line[1]+"/"+line[2]+" ("+line[5]+", "+str(int(line[6])/1024)+"GB)"
infoText = "Volume Status "+line[3]
elif line[0] == "disk":
# input: disk 0 1 optimal_(opt) 5000c50-0-569f-8055 seagate st2000nm0023 z1x091jj sas sas_hdd
# itemName=DISK 0/1 ST2000NM0023_Z1X091JJ (SAS_HDD)
itemName = "DISK "+line[1]+"/"+line[2]+" "+line[6].upper()+"_"+line[7].upper()+" ("+line[9].upper()+")"
infoText = "Disk Status "+line[3]
if itemName == item:
if line[0] == "volume":
if line[3] == "okay_(oky)":
return (0, "OK - %s" % infoText)
elif line[3] == "failed_(fld)" or line[3] == "missing_(mis)" :
return (2, "CRIT - %s" % infoText)
return (1, "WARN - %s" % infoText)
if line[0] == "disk":
if line[3] == "optimal_(opt)" or line[3] == "hot_spare_(hsp)" or line[3] == "ready_(rdy)":
return (0, "OK - %s" % infoText)
elif line[3] == "failed_(fld)" or line[3] == "missing_(mis)" or line[3] == "out_of_sync_(osy)" or line[3] == "degraded_(dgd)" :
return (2, "CRIT - %s" % infoText)
return (1, "WARN - %s" % infoText)
return (3, "UNKNOWN - Invalid check output from %s" % item) # check函数传递变量,item,可以理解为是inventory的返回值itemName, params,是定义的default_level, info客户端插件的输出
# check函数返回值,也是元组
# 检测状态 a Nagios status code (0=OK, 1=WARN, 2=CRIT, 3=UNKNOWN)
# 检测结果 a text to be used by Nagios as plugin output
# 性能数据,用于画图,是可选项,由has_perfdata变量控制 optionally: performance data # perfdata 值是元组,由以下部分组成
# A variable name (string)
# The current value of the variable (int or float)
# The warning level or ""
# The critical level or ""
# The minimum possible value or ""
# The maximum possible value or "" # perfdata example
#check_foobar(item, params, info):
# return (0, "Foobar", [
# ( "size", 125 ), # simple value, no levels, no range
# ( "used", 88.5, "", "", 0, 100), # no levels, range is from 0 to 100
# ( "guzzi", -14.5, -20, -30), # warning at -20, crit at -30
# ( "argl", 66, 80, 90, 0, 100), # levels at 80/90, min/max at 0/100
# ]) # 控制
check_info["sas2ircu"] = {
'check_function': check_sas2ircu,
'inventory_function': inventory_sas2ircu,
'service_description': '%s',
'has_perfdata': False


title: Check state of physical disks and volumes of LSI SAS2008, Dell PERC H200 Raid controllers
agents: linux
author: Leo Eibler <le@sprossenwanne.at>
license: Apache License, Version 2.0
distribution: none
This check monitors the state of the physical disks and volumes
of LSI SAS2008, Dell PERC H200 raid controllers (used in Dell R200, R210, R210II servers).
The Linux agent sends the neccessary data,
if the command line utility {sas2ircu} is found in the shells
search path. The utility {sas2ircu} debian x64 package can be downloaded from
{http://hwraid.le-vert.net/debian/pool-wheezy/sas2ircu_16.00.00.00-1_amd64.deb} and
installed with {dpkg -i sas2ircu_16.00.00.00-1_amd64.deb}. item:
For volumes: The word 'VOLUME' followed by the controller number (1st controller={0}),
the volume id and the volume raid type and size.
For example {"VOLUME 0/79 (raid1, 1862GB)"} means a volume on 1st controller {0} with
id {79} using {raid1} with a size of {1862GB}.
For disks: The word 'DISK' followed by the controller number (1st controller={0}),
the disk number, the disk model and serial and disk type.
For example {"DISK 0/1 ST2000NM0023_Z1X091JJ (SAS_HDD)"} means a disk on 1st controller {0},
the 2nd disk {1} of model and serial {ST2000NM0023_Z1X091JJ} which is a {SAS_HDD} disk type. inventory:
All disks and volumes of all controllers are automatically inventorized. The current state is
taken as the target state.


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