Linux 创建Bridge
yum install bridge-utils 或 apt-get install bridge-utils
Linux KVM Bridge逻辑结构图
- # 创建brdge br0
# brctl addbr br0- # 将br0绑定到ens33
- # brctl addif br0 ens33
Ubuntu Bridge配置示例
- auto ens33
iface ens33 inet manual- auto br0
- iface br0 inet static
- address
- network
- netmask
- broadcast
- bridge_ports eth0
- bridge_bridgeprio 32767
- bridge_portprio eth0 129
- bridge_fd 5
- A little explanation on the new options that can be used on
- /etc/network/interfaces to setup the bridge, so you don't have to go
- and look at the scripts...
- bridge_ports interface specification
- this option must exist for the scripts to setup the bridge, with
- it you specify the ports you want to add to your bridge, either
- using "none" if you want a bridge without any interfaces or you
- want to add them later using brctl, or a list of the interfaces
- you want to add separated by spaces, for example:
- bridge_ports eth0 eth4
- You should not put any lines to configure the interfaces that
- will be used by the bridge, as this will be setup automatically
- by the scripts when bringing the bridge up.
- If you need to specify the interfaces more flexibly, you can use
- the following syntax (most useful on a Xen dom0):
- bridge_ports regex (eth|vif).*
- This means to evaluate (as in egrep(1)) the expressions that
- follow after "regex" until either the end or a "noregex"
- statement is reached. The regular expressions are evaluated
- against all local interfaces and those that match are added.
- Specifying "all" is short for "regex eth.* em.* p[0-9].*
- noregex" and will get all the ethX and biosdevname-format (emX
- and pX) interfaces added to the bridge.
- Carrying this to the extremes, the following is valid syntax:
- bridge_ports all regex if.0 noregex ext0 regex vif.*
- This will add all ethX interfaces, the ifX0 interfaces, the ext0
- interface and all vifX interfaces.
- bridge_ageing time
- set ageing time, default is 300, can have a fractional part.
- bridge_bridgeprio priority
- set bridge priority, priority is between 0 and 65535, default is
- 32768, affects bridge id, lowest priority bridge will be the
- root.
- bridge_fd time
- set bridge forward delay to time seconds, default is 15, can
- have a fractional part.
- bridge_gcint time
- set garbage collection interval to time seconds, default is 4,
- can have a fractional part. Available on Linux kernel versions
- < 2.6.0.
- bridge_hello time
- set hello time to time seconds, default is 2, can have a
- fractional part.
- bridge_hw MAC address
- set the Ethernet MAC address of the bridge to the specified one.
- There were some concerns of how this was done in the past, see:
- but we are doing it on a new way
- now that shouldn't be as bad, see:
- however you should know what you are doing before using this
- option.
- bridge_maxage time
- set max message age to time seconds, default is 20, can have a
- fractional part.
- bridge_maxwait time
- forces to time seconds the maximum time that the Debian bridge
- setup scripts will wait for the bridge ports to get to the
- forwarding status, doesn't allow factional part. If it is equal
- to 0 then no waiting is done.
- bridge_pathcost port cost
- set path cost for a port, default is 100, port is the name of
- the interface to which this setting applies.
- bridge_portprio port priority
- set port priority, default is 32, affects port id, port is the
- name of the interface to which this setting applies. On Linux
- kernels older than 2.6.0 the max value is 255, the default 128.
- Newer kernels have a maximum value of 63 and a default of 32.
- bridge_stp state
- turn spanning tree protocol on/off, state values are on or yes
- to turn stp on and any other thing to set it off, default has
- changed to off for security reasons in latest kernels, so you
- should specify if you want stp on or off with this option, and
- not rely on your kernel's default behaviour.
- bridge_waitport time [ports]
- wait for a max of time seconds for the specified ports to become
- available, if no ports are specified then those specified on
- bridge_ports will be used here. Specifying no ports here should
- not be used if we are using regex or "all" on bridge_ports, as
- it wouldn't work.
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