最近做了一个.Net Core环境下,基于NPOI的Excel导入导出以及Word操作的服务封装,

服务读取Excel=>校验(正则、必填、整数范围、日期、数据库是否存在、数据重复) =>将校验结果返回 => 提供方法将Excel数据



   public class ExcelDataRow
/// <summary>
/// 行号
/// </summary>
public int RowIndex { get; set; } /// <summary>
/// 单元格数据
/// </summary>
public List<ExcelDataCol> DataCols { get; set; } = new List<ExcelDataCol>(); /// <summary>
/// 是否有效
/// </summary>
public bool IsValid { get; set; } /// <summary>
/// 错误信息
/// </summary>
public string ErrorMsg { get; set; }
} public class ExcelDataCol : ExcelCol
/// <summary>
/// 对应属性名称
/// </summary>
public string PropertyName { get; set; } /// <summary>
/// 行号
/// </summary>
public int RowIndex { get; set; } /// <summary>
/// 字符串值
/// </summary>
public string ColValue { get; set; }


using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Ade.OfficeService.Excel
/// <summary>
/// 生成表达式目录树 缓存
/// </summary>
public class ExpressionMapper
private static Hashtable Table = Hashtable.Synchronized(new Hashtable(1024)); /// <summary>
/// 将ExcelDataRow快速转换为指定类型
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
/// <param name="dataRow"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static T FastConvert<T>(ExcelDataRow dataRow)
// new Person(){
// Name = Convert(ChangeType(dataRow.DataCols.SingleOrDefault(c=>c.PropertyName == prop.Name).ColValue,prop.PropertyType),prop.ProertyType),
// Age = Convert(ChangeType(dataRow.DataCols.SingleOrDefault(c=>c.PropertyName == prop.Name).ColValue,prop.PropertyType),prop.ProertyType)
// }
// } string propertyNames = string.Empty;
dataRow.DataCols.ForEach(c => propertyNames += c.PropertyName + "_");
var key = typeof(T).FullName + "_" + propertyNames.Trim('_'); if (!Table.ContainsKey(key))
List<MemberBinding> memberBindingList = new List<MemberBinding>(); MethodInfo singleOrDefaultMethod = typeof(Enumerable)
.Single(m => m.Name == "SingleOrDefault" && m.GetParameters().Count() == 2)
.MakeGenericMethod(new[] { typeof(ExcelDataCol) }); foreach (var prop in typeof(T).GetProperties())
Expression<Func<ExcelDataCol, bool>> lambdaExpr = c => c.PropertyName == prop.Name; MethodInfo changeTypeMethod = typeof(ExpressionMapper).GetMethods().Where(m => m.Name == "ChangeType").First(); Expression expr =
, Expression.Property(
, Expression.Constant(dataRow.DataCols)
, lambdaExpr)
, typeof(ExcelDataCol), "ColValue"), Expression.Constant(prop.PropertyType))
, prop.PropertyType); memberBindingList.Add(Expression.Bind(prop, expr));
} MemberInitExpression memberInitExpression = Expression.MemberInit(Expression.New(typeof(T)), memberBindingList.ToArray());
Expression<Func<ExcelDataRow, T>> lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<ExcelDataRow, T>>(memberInitExpression, new ParameterExpression[]
Expression.Parameter(typeof(ExcelDataRow), "p")
}); Func<ExcelDataRow, T> func = lambda.Compile();//拼装是一次性的
Table[key] = func;
var ss = (Func<ExcelDataRow, T>)Table[key]; return ((Func<ExcelDataRow, T>)Table[key]).Invoke(dataRow);
} public static object ChangeType(string stringValue, Type type)
object obj = null; Type nullableType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(type);
if (nullableType != null)
if (stringValue == null)
obj = null;
} }
else if (typeof(System.Enum).IsAssignableFrom(type))
obj = Enum.Parse(type, stringValue);
obj = Convert.ChangeType(stringValue, type);
} return obj;



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