A String Game

Problem code: ASTRGAME

All submissions for this problem are available.

Teddy and Tracy like to play a game based on strings. The game is as follows. Initially, Tracy writes a long random string on a whiteboard. Then, each player starting with Teddy makes turn alternately. Each turn, the player must erase a contiguous substring that exists in the dictionary. The dictionary consists of N words.

Of course, the player that can't erase any substring in his turn loses the game, and the other player is declared the winner.

Note that after a substring R is erased, the remaining substring becomes separated, i.e. they cannot erase a word that occurs partially to the left of R and partially to the right of R.

Determine the winner of the game, assuming that both players play optimally.


The first line contains a single integer T, the number of test cases. T test cases follow. The first line of each testcase contains a string S, the string Tracy writes on the whiteboard. The next line contains a single integer N. N lines follow. The i-th line contains a single string wi, the i-th word in the dictionary.


For each test case, output a single line containing the name of the winner of the game.


ppi Output:


  • 1 <= T <= 5
  • 1 <= N <= 30
  • 1 <= |S| <= 30
  • 1 <= |wi| <= 30
  • S and wi contain only characters 'a'-'z'


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std ;
const int N = ;
bool check[N][N] ;
int sg[N][N] , vis[] ;
string s , word ;
int main() {
// freopen("in.txt","r",stdin);
int _ , n ; cin >> _ ;
while( _-- ) {
cin >> s ; int slen = s.length() ;
memset( check , false , sizeof check );
memset( vis , , sizeof vis);
memset( sg , , sizeof sg );
cin >> n ;
for( int i = ; i < n ; ++i ) {
cin >> word ; int wlen = word.length() ;
for( int j = ; j + wlen <= s.length() ; ++j ) {
if( word == s.substr( j , wlen ) )
check[j][j+wlen] = true ;
int cnt = ;
for( int len = ; len <= slen ; ++len ) {
for( int be = ; be < slen ; ++be ) {
cnt++ ; int ed = be + len ; if( ed > slen ) continue ;
for( int i = be ; i < ed ; ++i ){
for( int j = i + ; j <= ed ; ++j ) if( check[i][j] ){
vis[ sg[be][i]^sg[j][ed] ] = cnt ;
int z = ;
while( vis[z] == cnt ) z++;
sg[be][ed] = z ;
if( sg[][slen] ) cout << "Teddy" << endl ;
else cout << "Tracy" << endl ; }

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