Coursera课程笔记----Write Professional Emails in English----Week 3
Introduction and Announcement Emails (Week 3)
Overview of Introduction & Announcement Emails
- Basic Purpose & Approaches
- Key language for Writing
Introduction Email
- ❌ Meet Sam Boyle
- ✅Meet Sam Boyle, CPA Tax Specialist
- ✅Introducing Sam Boyle, CPA Tax Specialist
state clearly who you are
what value you can add to the reader after you meet
I am skilled at...
These skills will be good for...
✅I am especially skilled at communication and time management.
✅My skills include using Microsoft Office, managing schedules, and communicating in Spanish.
Announcement Email
- Subject
- make sure it's accurate the first time
- ❌Oops! I need to make a correction.
- make sure it's accurate the first time
- Boday
- people may ask for some additional information, look closely at any questions and not send an email with unanswered questions.
Key Language for Writing These Types of Emails
Introduction Emails (yourself)
- Introduction Sentence
- My name is Gerry Landers, and I am with the Georgia Tech Language INstitute in Atlanta, GA.
- My name is Elizabeth Brown, and I am the General Manager at ABC, Inc.
- My name is Sam Cook, and I recently received my Master's Degree from University of ABC
- Controlling Idea
- I am interested in learning more about Coursera, and I would like more information about creating an online course.
- I am very interested in your product. I will be in your city, and I would like to visit your factory.
- Development
- some WH questions for the reader
- include the questions directly
- Who can create an online course?
- What is the process?
- Where can I get more information?
- write more indirectly(more formal and humble)
- I would like more information or links you have to help me in my process.
Introduction Emails(two different people)
- Subject Line
- Matt, meet Sarah. Sarah, meet Matt.
- Matt, have you met Sarah?
- Get to know Sarah
- Controlling Idea
- Matt, I would like to introduce you to Sarah.
- Sarah, this is Matt. He is the person I told you about in our last meeting.
- Development
- Background
- Current Job/Rple
- Additional Contact Information
Announcement Email
Introduction Sentence
- The Language Institute is pleased to inform you that we now offer Business Writing courses in the evening.
- The ABC Company is opening a store near you
Second sentence
- If our dattime class schedule is not great for you, we will now be here in the evening to help you reach your English learning goals. Contact us at to apply.
- We will have a full selection of products from all over the world for you all at one store.
Two types
- General Information(e.g. Advertisement)
- Specific Information
- Special directions/guidelines
the email should include who, what, when, where, why, and other details.
Assignment: Revise Your Introduction Email
Introduction from Xinzhe Wang
Dear classmates,
My name is Xinzhe Wang, and I am pursuing my Master's Degree in UC Davis. The reason that I attend to this specialization in Coursera is that I want to practise my English writing and communicating skills. I will try my best in the process of learning. I hope to be friends with you in this course and hope you healthy and safe.
Xinzhe Wang
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