A convenient way to recognize and handwrite multidimensional arrays in Numpy
As a new learner of Numpy, it is very common to be confused by the form of array, braces nested in braces, such as ‘a= np.array[[[1],[2],[3]]]’ so that its shape cannot be precisely known by the users, although the shape can be fetched through ‘a.shape’, making users unable to perform multidimensional array correctly.
The method is as the following:(1)every array needs a most out brace.(2) Go inner, the number of paired brace is the element number of 0 axis, 1 axis, 2 axis etc.(3) The dimension number increased along with the going-inner, until the number element is reached, the sum of levels is the dimensional number.
For example:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> data=np.arange(4)
>>> data1=data.reshape((4,1))
>>> data2=data.reshape((1,4))
>>> data3=data.reshape((2,2))
>>> data4=data.reshape((1,2,2))
>>> data5=data.reshape((2,1,2))
>>> data6=data.reshape((2,2,1))
>>> data
array([0, 1, 2, 3])
>>> data1
>>> data2
array([[0, 1, 2, 3]])
>>> data3
array([[0, 1],
[2, 3]])
>>> data4
array([[[0, 1],
[2, 3]]])
>>> data5
array([[[0, 1]], [[2, 3]]])
>>> data6
[1]], [[2],
①data1's shape is (4,1),so firstly, the most out brace pair shall be set-->[ ], and then 0 axis is 4, meaning 4 pairs of brace inside -->[ [ ],[ ],[ ],[ ] ] ,finally, 1 axis is 1,and is the final dimension, meaning 1 number element shall be inside-->[ [0],[1],[2],[3]].
② data2's shape is (1,4), firstly-->[ ], then -->[ [ ] ], finally -->[ [ 0,1,2,3] ]
③ data3's shape is (2,2), firstly-->[ ] ,then--> [ [ ], [ ] ], finally-->[ [0,1], [2,3] ]
④data4' shape is (1,2,2), firstly-->[ ] ,then-->[ [ ] ], then--> [ [ [ ], [ ] ] ], finally--> [ [ [ 0,1], [2,3 ] ] ]
⑤data5's shape is (2,1,2),firstly--> [ ],then-->[ [ ],[ ] ], then-->[ [ [ ] ], [ [ ] ] ], finally --> [ [ [ 0,1],[ [ 2,3] ] ]
⑥data6's shape is (2,2,1),firstly-->[ ],then --> [ [ ] ,[ ] ],then-->[ [ [ ], [ ] ], [ [ ] , [ ] ] ],finally-->[ [ [ 0],[1] ], [ [2],[3] ] ]
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