If the pores are large,the water in them will exist as drops too heavy for surface tension to hold,and it will drain away;but if the pores are small enough,the water in them will exist as thin films,too light to overcome the force of surface tension holding them in place;then the water will be firmly held.

If the pores are large,the water will exist as (too heavy for surface tension to hold)drops,and it will drain away;but if the pores are small enough,the water will exist as (too light to overcome the force of (holding them in place)surface tension )thin films;then the water will be (firmly )held.




Which of sentences below best expression the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage?Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.


Surface tension is not strong enough to retain drops of water in rocks with large pores but is strong enough to hold on to thin films of water in rocks with small pores.

Surface tension is not strong enough to retain (of (in (with large pores)rocks)water)drops but Surface tension is strong enough to hold on to ( of (in (with small pores)rocks)water )thin films.



Water in rocks is held in place by large pores and drains away from small size pores through surface tensions

(in rocks)Water is held in (by large pores and (away from (small size)+(through surface tensions) pores )drains )place .




Small pores and large pores both interact with surface tension to determine whether a rock will hold water as heavy drops or as a thin film.

Small pores and large pores both interact with(to determine whether a rock will hold ( as heavy drops or as a thin film)water) surface tension .




If the force of surface tension is too weak to hold water in place as heavy drops,the water will continue to be held firmly in place as a thin film when large pores exist.

If the (of surface tension) force is too weak to hold (in place as heavy drops)water ,the (in place as a thin film )water will continue to be held firmly (when large pores exist).



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