6 Z 字形变换(题目链接

class Solution:
def convert(self, s, numRows):
:type s: str
:type numRows: int
:rtype: str
lists = []
for i in range(numRows):
numMids = numRows - 2
if numMids < 0:
numMids = 0
for i_s in range(len(s)):
rest = i_s % (numMids + numRows)
if rest < numRows:
lists[rest] = ''.join([lists[rest], s[i_s]])
lists[numMids + numRows - rest] = ''.join([lists[numMids + numRows - rest], s[i_s]])
s_result = ''.join(lists)
return s_result


class Solution:
def reverse(self, x):
:type x: int
:rtype: int
y = 0
z = 1
if x < 0:
z = -1
x = -x
while x != 0:
item = x % 10
x = x // 10
if 2147483647 - 10 * y <= item:
return 0
y = y * 10 + item
return y*z

8.字符串转换整数 (atoi)(题目链接

class Solution:
def myAtoi(self, str: 'str') -> 'int':
sign = 0
num = 0
for i in str:
if sign == 0 and i == ' ':
elif sign == 0 and i == '-':
sign = -1
elif sign == 0 and i == '+':
sign = 1
elif i in ['','','','','','','','','','']:
if (sign == 1 or sign == 0) and (2147483647 - int(i)) // 10 < num:
return 2147483647
elif sign == -1 and (2147483648 - int(i)) // 10 < num:
return -2147483648
if sign == 0:
sign = 1
flag = 1
num = num * 10 + int(i)
if sign == 0:
return num
return sign * num

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