Use simple ssh and shell scripts to deploy, upgrade, rollback and reconfigure linux servers.


Warning: This project is still being tested. Read README carefully and try it at your own risk.

Best practice: Allways make your own modifications according to your production environment, and do test it before deploying it.

Why ezdpl?

It is popular to use puppet or some other tools to automate system configuration jobs. Working with puppet is convenient, efficient and predictable. Most of the jobs are reduced to writing puppet scripts and puppet will do the rest automatically. It makes it easy to manage hundreds of servers.

Someone's just not into it. Maybe there are not so many servers to manage. Maybe it's a burden to learn another "system" to manage the systems at hand. Well, those are apt to my case. What's more, I'd prefer to do the job in the "raw and simple" way. No agents, no plugins, no modules, no playbooks. I must know exactly how the server is configured and how the configuration files are written, always. What can I do to some other servers when there is no puppet available? That's not comforting.

But automated management IS neccessary. How do we manage many servers without puppet or some other tools? Yes, the shell scripts will do. All we need is an operation server, which stores the initializing or upgrading scripts, configuration files, and apps to be deployed or upgraded. Everything are in their original form. The operation server has the trusted ssh access to the target servers with root priviledges in order to do the jobs automatically, with only one script.

"Wait a minute, man. Ansible does it. You're rebuilding the wheel, unwisely." You laughed.

Yes, I am rebuilding the wheel, a much more simple one, for fun. And I don't worry about losing the ultimate power of command line and shell scripts. That's comforting. :)

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