1 compute.instance.update类型的消息


        help='If set, send
compute.instance.update notifications on instance '
changes.  Valid values are None for no notifications, '
'"vm_state" for notifications on VM state changes, or '
'"vm_and_task_state" for notifications on VM and task state '



def send_update(context, old_instance, new_instance, service="compute",host=None):

    """Send compute.instance.update notification to report any changes occurred

    in that instance



在nova/compute/api.py 的_provision_instances中在创建instance时也会调用send_update_with_states发送。

  • 发送函数最后都是调用

    def _send_instance_update_notification中的
    rpc.get_notifier(service, host).info(context,
    'compute.instance.update', payload)


tenant_id: Tenant ID that owns the this instance (string)

user_id: User ID that owns this instance (string)
instance_id: Nova instance ID of this instance (string)
instance_type: Name of the instance type ('flavor') of this instance. (string)
instance_type_id: Nova ID for instance type ('flavor') of this instance. (string)
display_name: User selected display name for instance.
created_at: Timestamp for when this instance's record was created in Nova (string, formatted "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.ssssss")
launched_at: Timestamp for when this instance was last launched by hypervisor. (string, formatted "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.ssssss")
image_ref_url: Image URL (from Glance) that this instance was created from. (string)
image_metadata: array of key-value pairs representing the metadata from the image from which the instance was built (array)
audit_period_begining: Timestamp of beginning of audit period. (string, formatted "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.ssssss")
audit_period_ending: Timestamp of end of audit period. (string, formatted "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.ssssss")
bandwidth: Hash listing bandwidth used for each network this instance is connected to. Keys will be network labels, values will be hashes containing the keys 'bw_in', and 'bw_out', listing the incoming, and outgoing bandwith, respectively, used by that instance, on that network, for that audit period. Bandwith is reported in bytes.
old_state: Prior state of instance. (string, such as 'active' or 'deleted')
state: Current state of instance. (string, such as 'active' or 'deleted')
state_description: Additional human readable description of current state of instance.
fixed_ips: list of ip addresses formatted like [{"floating_ips": [], "meta": {}, "type": "fixed", "version": 4, "address": "", "label": "public"}] assigned to instance.
memory_mb: memory allocation for this instance (in mb)
disk_gb: disk allocation for this instance (in gb)

2. api_faults


cfg.BoolOpt('notify_api_faults', default=False,
        help='If set, send api.fault
notifications on caught exceptions '
the API service.'),

publish ID:'api'

= nova.api.openstack:FaultWrapper.factory
3. compute.instance*

发送函数:def notify_about_instance_usage
method(context, 'compute.instance.%s' % event_suffix, usage_info)
param event_suffix: Event type like "delete.start" or "exists

def _notify_about_instance_usage(self, context, instance, event_suffix,
network_info=None, system_metadata=None,
extra_usage_info=None, fault=None):
self.notifier, context, instance, event_suffix,
extra_usage_info=extra_usage_info, fault=fault)
主要用在nova/compute/manager.py,还有def _build_and_run_instance:
self._notify_about_instance_usage(context, instance, 'create.start',



Usage notification upon rebuild of instance.
tenant_id: Tenant ID that owns the this instance (string)
user_id: User ID that owns this instance (string)
instance_id: Nova instance ID of this instance (string)
instance_type: Name of the instance type ('flavor') of this instance. (string)
instance_type_id: Nova ID for instance type ('flavor') of this instance. (string)
display_name: User selected display name for instance.
created_at: Timestamp for when this instance's record was created in Nova (string, formatted "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.ssssss")
launched_at: Timestamp for when this instance was last launched by hypervisor. (string, formatted "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.ssssss")
image_ref_url: Image URL (from Glance) that this instance is being rebuilt from. (string)
state: Current state of instance. (string, such as 'active' or 'deleted')
state_description: Additional human readable description of current state of instance.
fixed_ips: list of ip addresses formatted like [{"floating_ips": [], "meta": {}, "type": "fixed", "version": 4, "address": "", "label": "public"}] assigned to instance.
memory_mb: memory allocation for this instance (in mb)
disk_gb: disk allocation for this instance (in gb)





There is no .start/.end event for this activity ... just the 'compute.instance.exists' event.

Periodic usage notification generated by the instance-usage-audit cron job. These usages are generated for each instance that was active during the specified audit period.
tenant_id: Tenant ID that owns the this instance (string)
user_id: User ID that owns this instance (string)
instance_id: Nova instance ID of this instance (string)
instance_type: Name of the instance type ('flavor') of this instance. (string)
instance_type_id: Nova ID for instance type ('flavor') of this instance. (string)
display_name: User selected display name for instance.
created_at: Timestamp for when this instance's record was created in Nova (string, formatted "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.ssssss")
launched_at: Timestamp for when this instance was last launched by hypervisor. (string, formatted "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.ssssss")
image_ref_url: Image URL (from Glance) that this instance was created from. (string)
image_meta: Dictionary of key-value pairs representing metadata from the image the instance was built from.
audit_period_begining: Timestamp of beginning of audit period. (string, formatted "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.ssssss")
audit_period_ending: Timestamp of end of audit period. (string, formatted "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.ssssss")
bandwidth: Hash listing bandwidth used for each network this instance is connected to. Keys will be network labels, values will be hashes containing the keys 'bw_in', and 'bw_out', listing the incoming, and outgoing bandwith, respectively, used by that instance, on that network, for that audit period. Bandwith is reported in bytes.
state: Current state of instance. (string, such as 'active' or 'deleted')
state_description: Additional human readable description of current state of instance.
fixed_ips: list of ip addresses formatted like [{"floating_ips": [], "meta": {}, "type": "fixed", "version": 4, "address": "", "label": "public"}] assigned to instance.
memory_mb: memory allocation for this instance (in mb)
disk_gb: disk allocation for this instance (in gb) 



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