[USACO07FEB]新牛棚Building A New Barn
# 洛谷题目链接:[[USACO07FEB]新牛棚Building A New Barn](https://www.luogu.org/problemnew/show/P2874)
After scrimping and saving for years, Farmer John has decided to build a new barn. He wants the barn to be highly accessible, and he knows the coordinates of the grazing spots of all N (2 ≤ N ≤ 10,000 cows. Each grazing spot is at a point with integer coordinates (Xi, Yi) (-10,000 ≤ Xi ≤ 10,000; -10,000 ≤ Yi ≤ 10,000). The hungry cows never graze in spots that are horizontally or vertically adjacent.
The barn must be placed at integer coordinates and cannot be on any cow's grazing spot. The inconvenience of the barn for any cow is given the Manhattan distance formula | X - Xi | + | Y - Yi|, where (X, Y) and (Xi, Yi) are the coordinates of the barn and the cow's grazing spot, respectively. Where should the barn be constructed in order to minimize the sum of its inconvenience for all the cows?
Line 1: A single integer: N
Lines 2..N+1: Line i+1 contains two space-separated integers which are the grazing location (Xi, Yi) of cow i
Line 1: Two space-separated integers: the minimum inconvenience for the barn and the number of spots on which Farmer John can build the barn to achieve this minimum.
1 -3
0 1
-2 1
1 -1
10 4
The minimum inconvenience is 10, and there are 4 spots that Farmer John can build the farm to achieve this: (0, -1), (0, 0), (1, 0), and (1, 1).
如果\(n\)为偶数时,那么在\(x[n/2],x[n/2+1],y[n/2],y[n/2+1]\)这四个点所围成的矩形中的所有点都是满足条件的. 先计算出这个矩形中包含的点的个数,然后再将原图中包含的点都一个个删掉.
using namespace std;
const int inf=2147483647;
const int N=10000+5;
int n, x[N], y[N], ans1 = inf, ans2 = 0;
int dir[]={0,1,0,-1,0};
struct node{
int x, y;
int gi(){
int ans = 0 , f = 1; char i = getchar();
return ans * f;
int main(){
cin >> n;
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) x[i] = gi(), y[i] = gi();
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) p[i].x = x[i], p[i].y = y[i];
sort(x+1 , x+n+1); sort(y+1 , y+n+1);
if(n & 1){
int a = x[n/2+1], b = y[n/2+1], sum = 0;
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
sum += abs(a-x[i])+abs(b-y[i]);
ans1 = sum; ans2 = 1;
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
if(p[i].x == a && p[i].y == b) ans1 = inf;
for(int i=0;i<4;i++){
int nx = a+dir[i], ny = b+dir[i+1], sum = 0;
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
sum += abs(nx-x[i])+abs(ny-y[i]);
if(sum < ans1) ans1 = sum, ans2 = 1;
else if(sum == ans1) ans2++;
int x1 = x[n/2], x2 = x[n/2+1];
int y1 = y[n/2], y2 = y[n/2+1], sum = 0;
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
sum += abs(x1-x[i])+abs(y1-y[i]);
ans1 = min(ans1 , sum);
ans2 = (x2-x1+1)*(y2-y1+1);
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
if(x1<=p[i].x && p[i].x<=x2 && y1<=p[i].y && p[i].y<=y2) ans2--;
printf("%d %d\n",ans1,ans2);
return 0;
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