  • python的字符串属性函数
  • python的string模块



>>> str = "Python stRING"	

>>> print		#生成20个字符长度,str排中间
Python stRING >>> print str.ljust(20) #生成20个字符长度,str左对齐
Python stRING >>> print str.rjust(20) #生成20个字符长度,str右对齐
Python stRING


>>> str = "Python stRING"

>>> str.upper()				#转大写
'PYTHON STRING' >>> str.lower() #转小写
'python string' >>> str.capitalize()     #字符串首为大写,其余小写
'Python string' >>> str.swapcase() #大小写对换
'pYTHON STring' >>> str.title() #以分隔符为标记,首字符为大写,其余为小写
'Python String'


>>> str = '01234'

>>> str.isalnum()				  #是否全是字母和数字,并至少有一个字符
>>> str.isdigit() #是否全是数字,并至少有一个字符
True >>> str = 'string' >>> str.isalnum() #是否全是字母和数字,并至少有一个字符
>>> str.isalpha() #是否全是字母,并至少有一个字符
>>> str.islower() #是否全是小写,当全是小写和数字一起时候,也判断为True
True >>> str = "01234abcd" >>> str.islower() #是否全是小写,当全是小写和数字一起时候,也判断为True
True >>> str.isalnum() #是否全是字母和数字,并至少有一个字符
True >>> str = ' '
>>> str.isspace() #是否全是空白字符,并至少有一个字符
True >>> str = 'ABC' >>> str.isupper() #是否全是大写,当全是大写和数字一起时候,也判断为True
True >>> str = 'Aaa Bbb' >>> str.istitle() #所有单词字首都是大写,标题
True >>> str = 'string learn' >>> str.startswith('str')               #判断字符串以'str'开头
True >>> str.endswith('arn')               #判读字符串以'arn'结尾


>>> str='string lEARn'

>>> str.find('z')		 		#查找字符串,没有则返回-1,有则返回查到到第一个匹配的索引
-1 >>> str.find('n') #返回查到到第一个匹配的索引
4 >>> str.rfind('n') #返回的索引是最后一次匹配的
11 >>> str.index('a') #如果没有匹配则报错
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: substring not found >>> str.index("n") #同find类似,返回第一次匹配的索引值
4 >>> str.rindex("n") #返回最后一次匹配的索引值
11 >>> str.count('a') #字符串中匹配的次数
>>> str.count('n') #同上
2 >>> str.replace('EAR','ear') #匹配替换
'string learn' >>> str.replace('n','N')
'striNg lEARN' >>> str.replace('n','N',1)
'striNg lEARn' >>> str.strip('n') #删除字符串首尾匹配的字符,通常用于默认删除回车符 'string lEAR' >>> str.lstrip('n') #左匹配 'string lEARn' >>> str.rstrip('n') #右匹配 'string lEAR' >>> str = " tab" >>> str.expandtabs() #把制表符转为空格
' tab' >>> str.expandtabs(2) #指定空格数
' tab'


>>> str = "字符串学习"
>>> str
'\xe5\xad\x97\xe7\xac\xa6\xe4\xb8\xb2\xe5\xad\xa6\xe4\xb9\xa0' >>> str.decode('utf-8') #解码过程,将utf-8解码为unicode
u'\u5b57\u7b26\u4e32\u5b66\u4e60' >>> str.decode("utf-8").encode('gbk') #编码过程,将unicode编码为gbk
'\xd7\xd6\xb7\xfb\xb4\xae\xd1\xa7\xcf\xb0' >>> str.decode('utf-8').encode('utf-8') #将unicode编码为utf-8


>> str = "Learn string"

>>> '-'.join(str)
'L-e-a-r-n- -s-t-r-i-n-g' >>> li = ['Learn','string'] >>> '-'.join(li)
'Learn-string' >>> str.split('n')
['Lear', ' stri', 'g'] >>> str.split('n',1)
['Lear', ' string'] >>> str.rsplit('n')
['Lear', ' stri', 'g'] >>> str.rsplit('n',1)
['Learn stri', 'g'] >>> str.splitlines()
['Learn string'] >>> str.partition('n')
('Lear', 'n', ' string') >>> str.rpartition('n')
('Learn stri', 'n', 'g')


 """A collection of string operations (most are no longer used).

 Warning: most of the code you see here isn't normally used nowadays.
Beginning with Python 1.6, many of these functions are implemented as
methods on the standard string object. They used to be implemented by
a built-in module called strop, but strop is now obsolete itself. Public module variables: whitespace -- a string containing all characters considered whitespace
lowercase -- a string containing all characters considered lowercase letters
uppercase -- a string containing all characters considered uppercase letters
letters -- a string containing all characters considered letters
digits -- a string containing all characters considered decimal digits
hexdigits -- a string containing all characters considered hexadecimal digits
octdigits -- a string containing all characters considered octal digits
punctuation -- a string containing all characters considered punctuation
printable -- a string containing all characters considered printable """ # Some strings for ctype-style character classification
whitespace = ' \t\n\r\v\f'
lowercase = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
letters = lowercase + uppercase
ascii_lowercase = lowercase
ascii_uppercase = uppercase
ascii_letters = ascii_lowercase + ascii_uppercase
digits = ''
hexdigits = digits + 'abcdef' + 'ABCDEF'
octdigits = ''
punctuation = """!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~"""
printable = digits + letters + punctuation + whitespace # Case conversion helpers
# Use str to convert Unicode literal in case of -U
l = map(chr, xrange(256))
_idmap = str('').join(l)
del l # Functions which aren't available as string methods. # Capitalize the words in a string, e.g. " aBc dEf " -> "Abc Def".
def capwords(s, sep=None):
"""capwords(s [,sep]) -> string Split the argument into words using split, capitalize each
word using capitalize, and join the capitalized words using
join. If the optional second argument sep is absent or None,
runs of whitespace characters are replaced by a single space
and leading and trailing whitespace are removed, otherwise
sep is used to split and join the words. """
return (sep or ' ').join(x.capitalize() for x in s.split(sep)) # Construct a translation string
_idmapL = None
def maketrans(fromstr, tostr):
"""maketrans(frm, to) -> string Return a translation table (a string of 256 bytes long)
suitable for use in string.translate. The strings frm and to
must be of the same length. """
if len(fromstr) != len(tostr):
raise ValueError, "maketrans arguments must have same length"
global _idmapL
if not _idmapL:
_idmapL = list(_idmap)
L = _idmapL[:]
fromstr = map(ord, fromstr)
for i in range(len(fromstr)):
L[fromstr[i]] = tostr[i]
return ''.join(L) ####################################################################
import re as _re class _multimap:
"""Helper class for combining multiple mappings. Used by .{safe_,}substitute() to combine the mapping and keyword
def __init__(self, primary, secondary):
self._primary = primary
self._secondary = secondary def __getitem__(self, key):
return self._primary[key]
except KeyError:
return self._secondary[key] class _TemplateMetaclass(type):
pattern = r"""
(?P<escaped>%(delim)s) | # Escape sequence of two delimiters
(?P<named>%(id)s) | # delimiter and a Python identifier
{(?P<braced>%(id)s)} | # delimiter and a braced identifier
(?P<invalid>) # Other ill-formed delimiter exprs
""" def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct):
super(_TemplateMetaclass, cls).__init__(name, bases, dct)
if 'pattern' in dct:
pattern = cls.pattern
pattern = _TemplateMetaclass.pattern % {
'delim' : _re.escape(cls.delimiter),
'id' : cls.idpattern,
cls.pattern = _re.compile(pattern, _re.IGNORECASE | _re.VERBOSE) class Template:
"""A string class for supporting $-substitutions."""
__metaclass__ = _TemplateMetaclass delimiter = '$'
idpattern = r'[_a-z][_a-z0-9]*' def __init__(self, template):
self.template = template # Search for $$, $identifier, ${identifier}, and any bare $'s def _invalid(self, mo):
i = mo.start('invalid')
lines = self.template[:i].splitlines(True)
if not lines:
colno = 1
lineno = 1
colno = i - len(''.join(lines[:-1]))
lineno = len(lines)
raise ValueError('Invalid placeholder in string: line %d, col %d' %
(lineno, colno)) def substitute(*args, **kws):
if not args:
raise TypeError("descriptor 'substitute' of 'Template' object "
"needs an argument")
self, args = args[0], args[1:] # allow the "self" keyword be passed
if len(args) > 1:
raise TypeError('Too many positional arguments')
if not args:
mapping = kws
elif kws:
mapping = _multimap(kws, args[0])
mapping = args[0]
# Helper function for .sub()
def convert(mo):
# Check the most common path first.
named ='named') or'braced')
if named is not None:
val = mapping[named]
# We use this idiom instead of str() because the latter will
# fail if val is a Unicode containing non-ASCII characters.
return '%s' % (val,)
if'escaped') is not None:
return self.delimiter
if'invalid') is not None:
raise ValueError('Unrecognized named group in pattern',
return self.pattern.sub(convert, self.template) def safe_substitute(*args, **kws):
if not args:
raise TypeError("descriptor 'safe_substitute' of 'Template' object "
"needs an argument")
self, args = args[0], args[1:] # allow the "self" keyword be passed
if len(args) > 1:
raise TypeError('Too many positional arguments')
if not args:
mapping = kws
elif kws:
mapping = _multimap(kws, args[0])
mapping = args[0]
# Helper function for .sub()
def convert(mo):
named ='named') or'braced')
if named is not None:
# We use this idiom instead of str() because the latter
# will fail if val is a Unicode containing non-ASCII
return '%s' % (mapping[named],)
except KeyError:
if'escaped') is not None:
return self.delimiter
if'invalid') is not None:
raise ValueError('Unrecognized named group in pattern',
return self.pattern.sub(convert, self.template) ####################################################################
# NOTE: Everything below here is deprecated. Use string methods instead.
# This stuff will go away in Python 3.0. # Backward compatible names for exceptions
index_error = ValueError
atoi_error = ValueError
atof_error = ValueError
atol_error = ValueError # convert UPPER CASE letters to lower case
def lower(s):
"""lower(s) -> string Return a copy of the string s converted to lowercase. """
return s.lower() # Convert lower case letters to UPPER CASE
def upper(s):
"""upper(s) -> string Return a copy of the string s converted to uppercase. """
return s.upper() # Swap lower case letters and UPPER CASE
def swapcase(s):
"""swapcase(s) -> string Return a copy of the string s with upper case characters
converted to lowercase and vice versa. """
return s.swapcase() # Strip leading and trailing tabs and spaces
def strip(s, chars=None):
"""strip(s [,chars]) -> string Return a copy of the string s with leading and trailing
whitespace removed.
If chars is given and not None, remove characters in chars instead.
If chars is unicode, S will be converted to unicode before stripping. """
return s.strip(chars) # Strip leading tabs and spaces
def lstrip(s, chars=None):
"""lstrip(s [,chars]) -> string Return a copy of the string s with leading whitespace removed.
If chars is given and not None, remove characters in chars instead. """
return s.lstrip(chars) # Strip trailing tabs and spaces
def rstrip(s, chars=None):
"""rstrip(s [,chars]) -> string Return a copy of the string s with trailing whitespace removed.
If chars is given and not None, remove characters in chars instead. """
return s.rstrip(chars) # Split a string into a list of space/tab-separated words
def split(s, sep=None, maxsplit=-1):
"""split(s [,sep [,maxsplit]]) -> list of strings Return a list of the words in the string s, using sep as the
delimiter string. If maxsplit is given, splits at no more than
maxsplit places (resulting in at most maxsplit+1 words). If sep
is not specified or is None, any whitespace string is a separator. (split and splitfields are synonymous) """
return s.split(sep, maxsplit)
splitfields = split # Split a string into a list of space/tab-separated words
def rsplit(s, sep=None, maxsplit=-1):
"""rsplit(s [,sep [,maxsplit]]) -> list of strings Return a list of the words in the string s, using sep as the
delimiter string, starting at the end of the string and working
to the front. If maxsplit is given, at most maxsplit splits are
done. If sep is not specified or is None, any whitespace string
is a separator.
return s.rsplit(sep, maxsplit) # Join fields with optional separator
def join(words, sep = ' '):
"""join(list [,sep]) -> string Return a string composed of the words in list, with
intervening occurrences of sep. The default separator is a
single space. (joinfields and join are synonymous) """
return sep.join(words)
joinfields = join # Find substring, raise exception if not found
def index(s, *args):
"""index(s, sub [,start [,end]]) -> int Like find but raises ValueError when the substring is not found. """
return s.index(*args) # Find last substring, raise exception if not found
def rindex(s, *args):
"""rindex(s, sub [,start [,end]]) -> int Like rfind but raises ValueError when the substring is not found. """
return s.rindex(*args) # Count non-overlapping occurrences of substring
def count(s, *args):
"""count(s, sub[, start[,end]]) -> int Return the number of occurrences of substring sub in string
s[start:end]. Optional arguments start and end are
interpreted as in slice notation. """
return s.count(*args) # Find substring, return -1 if not found
def find(s, *args):
"""find(s, sub [,start [,end]]) -> in Return the lowest index in s where substring sub is found,
such that sub is contained within s[start,end]. Optional
arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation. Return -1 on failure. """
return s.find(*args) # Find last substring, return -1 if not found
def rfind(s, *args):
"""rfind(s, sub [,start [,end]]) -> int Return the highest index in s where substring sub is found,
such that sub is contained within s[start,end]. Optional
arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation. Return -1 on failure. """
return s.rfind(*args) # for a bit of speed
_float = float
_int = int
_long = long # Convert string to float
def atof(s):
"""atof(s) -> float Return the floating point number represented by the string s. """
return _float(s) # Convert string to integer
def atoi(s , base=10):
"""atoi(s [,base]) -> int Return the integer represented by the string s in the given
base, which defaults to 10. The string s must consist of one
or more digits, possibly preceded by a sign. If base is 0, it
is chosen from the leading characters of s, 0 for octal, 0x or
0X for hexadecimal. If base is 16, a preceding 0x or 0X is
accepted. """
return _int(s, base) # Convert string to long integer
def atol(s, base=10):
"""atol(s [,base]) -> long Return the long integer represented by the string s in the
given base, which defaults to 10. The string s must consist
of one or more digits, possibly preceded by a sign. If base
is 0, it is chosen from the leading characters of s, 0 for
octal, 0x or 0X for hexadecimal. If base is 16, a preceding
0x or 0X is accepted. A trailing L or l is not accepted,
unless base is 0. """
return _long(s, base) # Left-justify a string
def ljust(s, width, *args):
"""ljust(s, width[, fillchar]) -> string Return a left-justified version of s, in a field of the
specified width, padded with spaces as needed. The string is
never truncated. If specified the fillchar is used instead of spaces. """
return s.ljust(width, *args) # Right-justify a string
def rjust(s, width, *args):
"""rjust(s, width[, fillchar]) -> string Return a right-justified version of s, in a field of the
specified width, padded with spaces as needed. The string is
never truncated. If specified the fillchar is used instead of spaces. """
return s.rjust(width, *args) # Center a string
def center(s, width, *args):
"""center(s, width[, fillchar]) -> string Return a center version of s, in a field of the specified
width. padded with spaces as needed. The string is never
truncated. If specified the fillchar is used instead of spaces. """
return, *args) # Zero-fill a number, e.g., (12, 3) --> '012' and (-3, 3) --> '-03'
# Decadent feature: the argument may be a string or a number
# (Use of this is deprecated; it should be a string as with ljust c.s.)
def zfill(x, width):
"""zfill(x, width) -> string Pad a numeric string x with zeros on the left, to fill a field
of the specified width. The string x is never truncated. """
if not isinstance(x, basestring):
x = repr(x)
return x.zfill(width) # Expand tabs in a string.
# Doesn't take non-printing chars into account, but does understand \n.
def expandtabs(s, tabsize=8):
"""expandtabs(s [,tabsize]) -> string Return a copy of the string s with all tab characters replaced
by the appropriate number of spaces, depending on the current
column, and the tabsize (default 8). """
return s.expandtabs(tabsize) # Character translation through look-up table.
def translate(s, table, deletions=""):
"""translate(s,table [,deletions]) -> string Return a copy of the string s, where all characters occurring
in the optional argument deletions are removed, and the
remaining characters have been mapped through the given
translation table, which must be a string of length 256. The
deletions argument is not allowed for Unicode strings. """
if deletions or table is None:
return s.translate(table, deletions)
# Add s[:0] so that if s is Unicode and table is an 8-bit string,
# table is converted to Unicode. This means that table *cannot*
# be a dictionary -- for that feature, use u.translate() directly.
return s.translate(table + s[:0]) # Capitalize a string, e.g. "aBc dEf" -> "Abc def".
def capitalize(s):
"""capitalize(s) -> string Return a copy of the string s with only its first character
capitalized. """
return s.capitalize() # Substring replacement (global)
def replace(s, old, new, maxreplace=-1):
"""replace (str, old, new[, maxreplace]) -> string Return a copy of string str with all occurrences of substring
old replaced by new. If the optional argument maxreplace is
given, only the first maxreplace occurrences are replaced. """
return s.replace(old, new, maxreplace) # Try importing optional built-in module "strop" -- if it exists,
# it redefines some string operations that are 100-1000 times faster.
# It also defines values for whitespace, lowercase and uppercase
# that match <ctype.h>'s definitions. try:
from strop import maketrans, lowercase, uppercase, whitespace
letters = lowercase + uppercase
except ImportError:
pass # Use the original versions ########################################################################
# the Formatter class
# see PEP 3101 for details and purpose of this class # The hard parts are reused from the C implementation. They're exposed as "_"
# prefixed methods of str and unicode. # The overall parser is implemented in str._formatter_parser.
# The field name parser is implemented in str._formatter_field_name_split class Formatter(object):
def format(*args, **kwargs):
if not args:
raise TypeError("descriptor 'format' of 'Formatter' object "
"needs an argument")
self, args = args[0], args[1:] # allow the "self" keyword be passed
format_string, args = args[0], args[1:] # allow the "format_string" keyword be passed
except IndexError:
if 'format_string' in kwargs:
format_string = kwargs.pop('format_string')
raise TypeError("format() missing 1 required positional "
"argument: 'format_string'")
return self.vformat(format_string, args, kwargs) def vformat(self, format_string, args, kwargs):
used_args = set()
result = self._vformat(format_string, args, kwargs, used_args, 2)
self.check_unused_args(used_args, args, kwargs)
return result def _vformat(self, format_string, args, kwargs, used_args, recursion_depth):
if recursion_depth < 0:
raise ValueError('Max string recursion exceeded')
result = []
for literal_text, field_name, format_spec, conversion in \
self.parse(format_string): # output the literal text
if literal_text:
result.append(literal_text) # if there's a field, output it
if field_name is not None:
# this is some markup, find the object and do
# the formatting # given the field_name, find the object it references
# and the argument it came from
obj, arg_used = self.get_field(field_name, args, kwargs)
used_args.add(arg_used) # do any conversion on the resulting object
obj = self.convert_field(obj, conversion) # expand the format spec, if needed
format_spec = self._vformat(format_spec, args, kwargs,
used_args, recursion_depth-1) # format the object and append to the result
result.append(self.format_field(obj, format_spec)) return ''.join(result) def get_value(self, key, args, kwargs):
if isinstance(key, (int, long)):
return args[key]
return kwargs[key] def check_unused_args(self, used_args, args, kwargs):
pass def format_field(self, value, format_spec):
return format(value, format_spec) def convert_field(self, value, conversion):
# do any conversion on the resulting object
if conversion is None:
return value
elif conversion == 's':
return str(value)
elif conversion == 'r':
return repr(value)
raise ValueError("Unknown conversion specifier {0!s}".format(conversion)) # returns an iterable that contains tuples of the form:
# (literal_text, field_name, format_spec, conversion)
# literal_text can be zero length
# field_name can be None, in which case there's no
# object to format and output
# if field_name is not None, it is looked up, formatted
# with format_spec and conversion and then used
def parse(self, format_string):
return format_string._formatter_parser() # given a field_name, find the object it references.
# field_name: the field being looked up, e.g. ""
# or "lookup[3]"
# used_args: a set of which args have been used
# args, kwargs: as passed in to vformat
def get_field(self, field_name, args, kwargs):
first, rest = field_name._formatter_field_name_split() obj = self.get_value(first, args, kwargs) # loop through the rest of the field_name, doing
# getattr or getitem as needed
for is_attr, i in rest:
if is_attr:
obj = getattr(obj, i)
obj = obj[i] return obj, first







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    pymysql pymsql是Python中操作MySQL的模块,其使用方法和MySQLdb几乎相同. 1.下载安装 pip3 install pymysql 2.操作数据库 (1).执行sql #! ...

  9. Python中字符串操作函数string.split('str1')和string.join(ls)

    Python中的字符串操作函数split 和 join能够实现字符串和列表之间的简单转换, 使用 .split()可以将字符串中特定部分以多个字符的形式,存储成列表 def split(self, * ...


  1. [Java入门笔记] Java语言基础(三):运算符

    简介 运算符是一种特殊的符号,运算符是通过一定的运算规则操作一个或多个操作数,并生成结果的特定符号,运算符和操作数的有效组合称为表达式. Java中运算符主要分为以下几类: 赋值运算符 算术运算符 关 ...

  2. LeetCode#11. Container With Most Water

    问题描述 Given n non-negative integers a1, a2, ..., an, where each represents a point at coordinate (i, ...

  3. 关于PB调用Microsoft Web Browser控件的一些问题

    Microsoft Web Browser控件是WINDOWS系统自带的控件,一般不需要单独安装,由于工作的需要,把使用中遇到的问题记录一下,以便查阅. 插入控件: 环境为PB12.0,insert- ...

  4. Windows7开机登录界面背景图修改

    首先,准备一张文件大小不超过250K的.jpg格式图片,文件名为:BackgroundDefault,图片分辨率建议与屏幕分辨率一致,因为这张背景无法像壁纸一样拉伸或者填充的. 打开这个路径,[C:\ ...

  5. RubyMine优化设置

    RubyMine和IntelliJ默认的JVM -xmx参数太低了,占用的内存满了一GC,程序就假死了,把-xmx改大点就不容易假死了,配合SSD效果更好. [RUBYMINE_DIRECTORY]/ ...

  6. JavaScript函数的概念

    函数是这样的一段代码,它只定义一次,但可能被执行或调用任意多次. JavaScript函数是参数化的:函数的定义会包含形参,这些参数在函数的整体中像局部变量一样工作.函数调用时会为形参提供实参的值.除 ...

  7. Linux配置本地无密码访问

    本机配置无密码访问基本操作步骤: 1.ssh-keygen (效果同ssh-keygen -t rsa 一样,也可以ssh-keygen -t dsa) 2.ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh ...

  8. 在Azure上实现Linux Server故障转移

    要充分利用公有云的弹性扩展和高可用, 首先要在应用系统层面支持横向扩展(scale out),这个说起来很容易,或者说对新开发的应用系统而言已经成为标配.但是对已有的.老旧的应用系统来说,这就比较困难 ...

  9. AWS S3 CLI的权限bug

    使用AWS CLI在S3上创建了一个bucket,上传文件的时候报以下错误: A client error (AccessDenied) occurred when calling the Creat ...

  10. java基础算法之选择排序

    选择排序 选择排序(Selection sort)是一种简单直观的排序算法.它的工作原理是每一次从待排序的数据元素中选出最小(或最大)的一个元素,存放在序列的起始位置,直到全部待排序的数据元素排完. ...