ubuntu 安装使用 mytop
- $ sudo apt search mytop
- Sorting... Done
- Full Text Search... Done
- mytop/focal,focal,now 1.9.1-4 all
- top like query monitor for MySQL
sudo apt-get install mytop
直接执行 mytop 报错
- $ mytop
- Cannot connect to MySQL server. Please check the:
- * database you specified "" (default is "")
- * username you specified "root" (default is "root")
- * password you specified "" (default is "")
- * hostname you specified "localhost" (default is "localhost")
- * port you specified "3306" (default is 3306)
- * socket you specified "" (default is "")
- The options my be specified on the command-line or in a ~/.mytop or
- ~/.my.cnf config file. See the manual (perldoc mytop) for details.
- Here's the exact error from DBI. It might help you debug:
- Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)
说我没有找到 .mytop 或者 my.cnf 文件,那么这个文件应该怎么配置呢?通过find寻找发现了跟mytop有关的文件夹
- $ sudo find / -name "mytop"
- find: ‘/proc/2308/task/2308/net’: Invalid argument
- find: ‘/proc/2308/net’: Invalid argument
- find: ‘/run/user/1001/doc’: Permission denied
- find: ‘/run/user/1001/gvfs’: Permission denied
- /usr/bin/mytop
- /usr/share/doc/mytop
- $ ll /usr/bin/mytop
- -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 60K 1月 10 2017 /usr/bin/mytop*
- $ ll /usr/share/doc/mytop
- total 12K
- -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2.2K 1月 10 2017 changelog.Debian.gz
- -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.3K 1月 10 2017 copyright
- -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 871 1月 10 2017 mytop.sample.conf
发现了这个 simple conf 。好了,如此以来应该是要按这个配置,看一下它的内容
- # Copy this file to ~/.mytop and customize it to your own needs
- # Username to use when logging in to the MySQL server
- user=root
- # Password to use when logging in to the MySQL server
- pass=
- # Hostname of the MySQL server.
- host=localhost
- # Port number of the MySQL server.
- port=3306
- # Connect to specific database by default.
- db=test
- # How long between display refreshes.
- delay=5
- # Use direct socket instead of TCP/IP network to connect to the MySQL server.
- socket=
- # Run mytop only once and than exit.
- batchmode=0
- # Display headers or not.
- header=1
- # Use colors if available.
- color=1
- # Display idle threads.
- idle=1
- # Resolve IP addresses to names.
- resolve=1
- # Compact large numbers for better readability, e.g. 10.000 -> 10.0k.
- long=0
- # Reverse sort order from ascending to descending using Idle time.
- sort=0
- # Use vt100 escape sequences to reduce screen flicker.
- vt100=0
- touch ~/.mytop
- # Copy this file to ~/.mytop and customize it to your own needs
- # Username to use when logging in to the MySQL server
- user=root
- # Password to use when logging in to the MySQL server
- pass=密码
- # Hostname of the MySQL server.
- host=localhost
- # Port number of the MySQL server.
- port=3306
- # Connect to specific database by default.
- db=test
- # How long between display refreshes.
- delay=5
- # Use direct socket instead of TCP/IP network to connect to the MySQL server.
- socket=/tmp/mysql.sock
- # Run mytop only once and than exit.
- batchmode=0
- # Display headers or not.
- header=1
- # Use colors if available.
- color=1
- # Display idle threads.
- idle=1
- # Resolve IP addresses to names.
- resolve=1
- # Compact large numbers for better readability, e.g. 10.000 -> 10.0k.
- long=0
- # Reverse sort order from ascending to descending using Idle time.
- sort=0
- # Use vt100 escape sequences to reduce screen flicker.
- vt100=0
- $ mytop
这样以来就可以用它监控mysql 的 qps 了
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