Given two integers representing the numerator and denominator of a fraction, return the fraction in string format.

If the fractional part is repeating, enclose the repeating part in parentheses.

For example,

Given numerator = 1, denominator = 2, return "0.5".
Given numerator = 2, denominator = 1, return "2".
Given numerator = 2, denominator = 3, return "0.(6)".


class Solution {
string fractionToDecimal(int numerator, int denominator) {
char* ch = new char();
string ret;
string fractionStr = "";
int remain;
vector<bool> flag(, false); //integer part
*ch = numerator/denominator +'';
ret = ch; //fraction part
remain = numerator%denominator;
if(remain == ) return ret;
else if(flag[remain]) return ret + ".(" + fractionStr + ")";
flag[remain] = true;
*ch = numerator/denominator +'';
fractionStr += ch;

Result: Runtime Error

Last executed input: -50, 8



class Solution {
string fractionToDecimal(int numerator, int denominator) {
string intStr = "";
string fractionStr = "";
string tmpStr = "";
int remain;
vector<bool> flag(, false); // int 转 string
stringstream ss; //negative or not
if(numerator > && denominator < )
intStr = "-";
denominator = ~(denominator-);
else if(numerator < && denominator > )
intStr = "-";
numerator = ~(numerator-);
else if(numerator < && denominator < )
numerator = ~(numerator-);
denominator = ~(denominator-);
} //integer part
ss << numerator/denominator;
ss >> tmpStr;
intStr += tmpStr;
remain = numerator%denominator;
if(remain == ) return intStr; //fraction part
if(remain == ) return intStr + "." + fractionStr;
else if(flag[remain]) return intStr + ".(" + fractionStr + ")";
flag[remain] = true;
numerator = remain * ;
remain = numerator%denominator;
ss << numerator/denominator;
ss >> tmpStr;
fractionStr += tmpStr;

Result: Runtime Error

Last executed input: -2147483648, -10



class Solution {
string fractionToDecimal(int numerator, int denominator) {
long long int num = (long long int) numerator;
long long int den = (long long int) denominator; string intStr = "";
string fractionStr = "";
string tmpStr = "";
int remain;
set<int> flag; // int 转 string
stringstream ss; //negative or not
if(num > && denominator < )
intStr = "-";
den = ~(den-);
else if(num < && den > )
intStr = "-";
num = ~(num-);
else if(num < && den < )
num = ~(num-);
den = ~(den-);
} //integer part
ss << num/den;
ss >> tmpStr;
intStr += tmpStr;
remain = num%den;
if(remain == ) return intStr; //fraction part
if(remain == ) return intStr + "." + fractionStr;
else if(flag.find(remain)!=flag.end()) return intStr + ".(" + fractionStr + ")";
num = remain * ;
remain = num%den;
ss << num/den;
ss >> tmpStr;
fractionStr += tmpStr;

Result: Wrong

Input: 1, 6
Output: "0.(16)"
Expected: "0.1(6)"



class Solution {
string fractionToDecimal(int numerator, int denominator) {
long long int num = (long long int) numerator;
long long int den = (long long int) denominator; string ret = "";
string tmpStr = "";
int remain;
map<int,int> flag; // int 转 string
stringstream ss; //negative or not
if(num > && denominator < )
ret = "-";
den = ~(den-);
else if(num < && den > )
ret = "-";
num = ~(num-);
else if(num < && den < )
num = ~(num-);
den = ~(den-);
} //integer part
ss << num/den;
ss >> tmpStr;
ret += tmpStr;
remain = num%den;
if(remain == ) return ret; //fraction part
ret += ".";
if(remain == ) return ret;
else if(flag.find(remain)!=flag.end())
ret.insert(flag[remain], , '(');
return ret + ")";
flag[remain] = ret.length();
num = remain * ;
remain = num%den;
ss << num/den;
ss >> tmpStr;
ret += tmpStr;

Result: Wrong

Input: -1, -2147483648
Output: "0.000000000000000000000000000000-1"
Expected: "0.0000000004656612873077392578125"


remain也要申请为long long int, 否则在num = remain * 10;会溢出

class Solution {
string fractionToDecimal(int numerator, int denominator) {
long long int num = (long long int) numerator;
long long int den = (long long int) denominator; string ret = "";
string tmpStr = "";
long long int remain;
map<int,int> flag; // int 转 string
stringstream ss; //negative or not
if(num > && denominator < )
ret = "-";
den = ~(den-);
else if(num < && den > )
ret = "-";
num = ~(num-);
else if(num < && den < )
num = ~(num-);
den = ~(den-);
} //integer part
ss << num/den;
ss >> tmpStr;
ret += tmpStr;
remain = num%den;
if(remain == ) return ret; //fraction part
ret += ".";
if(remain == ) return ret;
else if(flag.find(remain)!=flag.end())
ret.insert(flag[remain], , '(');
return ret + ")";
flag[remain] = ret.length();
num = remain * ;
remain = num%den;
ss << num/den;
ss >> tmpStr;
ret += tmpStr;

Result: Accepted

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