xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-assembly-plugin/assembly/1.1.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/assembly-1.1.0.xsd">
package org.pentaho.di.core.database;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import org.pentaho.di.core.Const;
import org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleDatabaseException;
import org.pentaho.di.core.plugins.DatabaseMetaPlugin;
import org.pentaho.di.core.row.ValueMetaInterface;
import org.pentaho.di.core.util.Utils;
* DatabaseMeta数据库插件-神通数据库
@DatabaseMetaPlugin(type = "OSCAR", typeDescription = "神通数据库")
public class OscarDatabaseMeta extends BaseDatabaseMeta implements DatabaseInterface {
public int[] getAccessTypeList() {
return new int[] { DatabaseMeta.TYPE_ACCESS_NATIVE, DatabaseMeta.TYPE_ACCESS_JNDI };
public int getDefaultDatabasePort() {
if (getAccessType() == DatabaseMeta.TYPE_ACCESS_NATIVE) {
return 2003;
return -1;
* 当前数据库是否支持自增类型的字段
public boolean supportsAutoInc() {
return false;
* 获取限制读取条数的数据,追加再select语句后实现限制返回的结果数
* @see org.pentaho.di.core.database.DatabaseInterface#getLimitClause(int)
public String getLimitClause(int nrRows) {
return " WHERE ROWNUM <= " + nrRows;
* 返回获取表所有字段信息的语句
* @param tableName
* @return The SQL to launch.
public String getSQLQueryFields(String tableName) {
return "SELECT * FROM " + tableName + " WHERE 1=0";
public String getSQLTableExists(String tablename) {
return getSQLQueryFields(tablename);
public String getSQLColumnExists(String columnname, String tablename) {
return getSQLQueryColumnFields(columnname, tablename);
public String getSQLQueryColumnFields(String columnname, String tableName) {
return "SELECT " + columnname + " FROM " + tableName + " WHERE 1=0";
public boolean needsToLockAllTables() {
return false;
public String getDriverClass() {
if (getAccessType() == DatabaseMeta.TYPE_ACCESS_ODBC) {
return "sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver";
} else {
return "com.oscar.Driver";
public String getURL(String hostname, String port, String databaseName) throws KettleDatabaseException {
if (getAccessType() == DatabaseMeta.TYPE_ACCESS_ODBC) {
return "jdbc:odbc:" + databaseName;
} else if (getAccessType() == DatabaseMeta.TYPE_ACCESS_NATIVE) {
// <host>/<database>
// <host>:<port>/<database>
String _hostname = hostname;
String _port = port;
String _databaseName = databaseName;
if (Utils.isEmpty(hostname)) {
_hostname = "localhost";
if (Utils.isEmpty(port) || port.equals("-1")) {
_port = "";
if (Utils.isEmpty(databaseName)) {
throw new KettleDatabaseException("必须指定数据库名称");
if (!databaseName.startsWith("/")) {
_databaseName = "/" + databaseName;
return "jdbc:oscar://" + _hostname + (Utils.isEmpty(_port) ? "" : ":" + _port) + _databaseName;
} else {
throw new KettleDatabaseException("不支持的数据库连接方式[" + getAccessType() + "]");
* Oracle doesn't support options in the URL, we need to put these in a
* Properties object at connection time...
public boolean supportsOptionsInURL() {
return false;
* @return true if the database supports sequences
public boolean supportsSequences() {
return true;
* Check if a sequence exists.
* @param sequenceName
* The sequence to check
* @return The SQL to get the name of the sequence back from the databases data
* dictionary
public String getSQLSequenceExists(String sequenceName) {
int dotPos = sequenceName.indexOf('.');
String sql = "";
if (dotPos == -1) {
// if schema is not specified try to get sequence which belongs to current user
sql = "SELECT * FROM USER_SEQUENCES WHERE SEQUENCE_NAME = '" + sequenceName.toUpperCase() + "'";
} else {
String schemaName www.dashuju2.cn= sequenceName.substring(0, dotPos);
String seqName = sequenceName.www.yongshiyule178.com substring(dotPos + 1);
+ "' AND SEQUENCE_OWNER = '" + schemaName.toUpperCase() + "'";
return sql;
* Get the current value of a database sequence
* @param sequenceName
* The sequence to check
* @return The current value of a database sequence
public String getSQLCurrentSequenceValue(String sequenceName) {
return "SELECT " + sequenceName + www.dfgjpt.com".currval FROM DUAL";
* Get the SQL to get www.feishenbo.cn/ the next value of a sequence. (Oracle only)
* @param sequenceName
* The sequence name
* @return the SQL to get the next value of a sequence. (Oracle only)
public String getSQLNextSequenceValue(String sequenceName) {
return "SELECT " + sequenceName + ".nextval FROM dual";
public boolean supportsSequenceNoMaxValueOption() {
return true;
* @return true if we need to supply the schema-name to getTables in order to
* get a correct list of items.
public boolean useSchemaNameForTableList(www.yongshi123.cn) {
return true;
* @return true if the database supports synonyms
public boolean supportsSynonyms() {
return true;
* Generates the SQL statement to add a column to the specified table
* @param tablename
* The table to add
* @param v
* The column www.quwanyule157.com defined as a value
* @param tk
* the name of www.ruishengks.com the technical key field
* @param use_autoinc
* whether or not this field uses auto increment
* @param pk
* the name of the primary key field
* @param semicolon
* whether or not to add a semi-colon behind the statement.
* @return the SQL statement to add a column to the specified table
public String getAddColumnStatement(String tablename, ValueMetaInterface v, String tk, boolean use_autoinc,
String pk, boolean semicolon)www.boyunylpt1.com {
return "ALTER TABLE " + tablename + " ADD " + getFieldDefinition(v, tk, pk, use_autoinc, true, false);
* Generates the SQL statement to drop a column from the specified table
* @param tablename
* The table to add
* @param v
* The column defined as a value
* @param tk
* the name of www.enzuovip.com the technical key field
* @param use_autoinc
* whether or not this field uses auto increment
* @param pk
* the name of the primary key field
* @param semicolon
* whether or not to add a semi-colon behind the statement.
* @return the SQL statement to drop a column from the specified table
public String getDropColumnStatement(String tablename, ValueMetaInterface v, String tk, boolean use_autoinc,
String pk, boolean semicolon) {
return "ALTER TABLE " + tablename + " DROP COLUMN " + v.getName() + Const.CR;
* Generates the SQL statement to modify a column in the specified table
* @param tablename
* The table to add
* @param v
* The column defined as a value
* @param tk
* the name of the technical key field
* @param use_autoinc
* whether or not this field uses auto increment
* @param pk
* the name of the primary key field
* @param semicolon
* whether or not to add a semi-colon behind the statement.
* @return the SQL statement to modify a column in the specified table
public String getModifyColumnStatement(String tablename, ValueMetaInterface v, String tk, boolean use_autoinc,
String pk, boolean semicolon) {
ValueMetaInterface tmpColumn = v.clone();
String tmpName = v.getName();
boolean isQuoted = tmpName.startsWith("\"") && tmpName.endsWith("\"");
if (isQuoted) {
// remove the quotes first.
tmpName = tmpName.substring(1, tmpName.length() - 1);
int threeoh = tmpName.length() >= 30 ? 30 : tmpName.length();
tmpName = tmpName.substring(0, threeoh);
tmpName += "_KTL"; // should always be shorter than 35 positions
// put the quotes back if needed.
if (isQuoted) {
tmpName = "\"" + tmpName + "\"";
// Read to go.
String sql = "";
// Create a new tmp column
sql += getAddColumnStatement(tablename, tmpColumn, tk, use_autoinc, pk, semicolon) + ";" + Const.CR;
// copy the old data over to the tmp column
sql += "UPDATE " + tablename + " SET " + tmpColumn.getName() + "=" + v.getName() + ";" + Const.CR;
// drop the old column
sql += getDropColumnStatement(tablename, v, tk, use_autoinc, pk, semicolon) + ";" + Const.CR;
// create the wanted column
sql += getAddColumnStatement(tablename, v, tk, use_autoinc, pk, semicolon) + ";" + Const.CR;
// copy the data from the tmp column to the wanted column (again)
// All this to avoid the rename clause as this is not supported on all Oracle
// versions
sql += "UPDATE " + tablename + " SET " + v.getName() + "=" + tmpColumn.getName() + ";" + Const.CR;
// drop the temp column
sql += getDropColumnStatement(tablename, tmpColumn, tk, use_autoinc, pk, semicolon);
return sql;
public String getFieldDefinition(ValueMetaInterface v, String tk, String pk, boolean use_autoinc,
boolean add_fieldname, boolean add_cr) {
StringBuilder retval = new StringBuilder(128);
String fieldname = v.getName();
int length = v.getLength();
int precision = v.getPrecision();
if (add_fieldname) {
retval.append(fieldname).append(" ");
int type = v.getType();
switch (type) {
case ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_TIMESTAMP:
case ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_DATE:
case ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_BOOLEAN:
if (supportsBooleanDataType()) {
} else {
case ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_NUMBER:
case ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER:
case ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_BIGNUMBER:
if (fieldname.equalsIgnoreCase(tk) || // Technical key
fieldname.equalsIgnoreCase(pk) // Primary key
) {
} else {
if (length > 0) {
if (precision > 0 || length > 18) {
// Numeric(Precision, Scale): Precision = total length; Scale = decimal places
retval.append("NUMERIC(").append(length + precision).append(", ").append(precision).append(")");
} else if (precision == 0) {
if (length > 9) {
} else {
if (length < 5) {
} else {
} else {
} else {
retval.append("DOUBLE PRECISION");
case ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING:
if (length < 1 || length >= DatabaseMeta.CLOB_LENGTH) {
} else {
case ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_BINARY:
retval.append(" UNKNOWN");
if (add_cr) {
return retval.toString();
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.ibridge.kettle.core.database.DatabaseInterface#getReservedWords()
public String[] getReservedWords() {
return new String[] { "ALIAS", "AND", "AS", "AT", "BEGIN", "BETWEEN", "BIGINT", "BIT", "BY", "BOOLEAN", "BOTH",
"FALSE", "FETCH", "FLOAT", "FOR", "FROM", "FUNCTION", "GOTO", "IF", "IN", "INT", "INTO", "IS",
* @return The SQL on this database to get a list of stored procedures.
public String getSQLListOfProcedures() {
* return
* "SELECT DISTINCT DECODE(package_name, NULL, '', package_name||'.') || object_name "
* + "FROM user_arguments " + "ORDER BY 1";
public String getSQLLockTables(String[] tableNames) {
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(128);
for (int i = 0; i < tableNames.length; i++) {
sql.append("LOCK TABLE ").append(tableNames[i]).append(" IN EXCLUSIVE MODE;").append(Const.CR);
return sql.toString();
public String getSQLUnlockTables(String[] tableNames) {
return null; // commit handles the unlocking!
* @return extra help text on the supported options on the selected database
* platform.
public String getExtraOptionsHelpText() {
return "http://www.shentongdata.com/?bid=3&eid=249";
public String[] getUsedLibraries() {
return new String[] { "oscarJDBC.jar", "oscarJDBC14.jar", "oscarJDBC16.jar" };
* Verifies on the specified database connection if an index exists on the
* fields with the specified name.
* @param database
* a connected database
* @param schemaName
* @param tableName
* @param idx_fields
* @return true if the index exists, false if it doesn't.
* @throws KettleDatabaseException
public boolean checkIndexExists(Database database, String schemaName, String tableName, String[] idx_fields)
throws KettleDatabaseException {
String tablename = database.getDatabaseMeta().getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(schemaName, tableName);
boolean[] exists = new boolean[idx_fields.length];
for (int i = 0; i < exists.length; i++) {
exists[i] = false;
try {
// Get the info from the data dictionary...
String sql = "SELECT * FROM USER_IND_COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = '" + tableName + "'";
ResultSet res = null;
try {
res = database.openQuery(sql);
if (res != null) {
Object[] row = database.getRow(res);
while (row != null) {
String column = database.getReturnRowMeta().getString(row, "COLUMN_NAME", "");
int idx = Const.indexOfString(column, idx_fields);
if (idx >= 0) {
exists[idx] = true;
row = database.getRow(res);
} else {
return false;
} finally {
if (res != null) {
// See if all the fields are indexed...
boolean all = true;
for (int i = 0; i < exists.length && all; i++) {
if (!exists[i]) {
all = false;
return all;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new KettleDatabaseException("Unable to determine if indexes exists on table [" + tablename + "]", e);
public boolean requiresCreateTablePrimaryKeyAppend() {
return true;
* Most databases allow you to retrieve result metadata by preparing a SELECT
* statement.
* @return true if the database supports retrieval of query metadata from a
* prepared statement. False if the query needs to be executed first.
public boolean supportsPreparedStatementMetadataRetrieval() {
return false;
* @return The maximum number of columns in a database, <=0 means: no known
* limit
public int getMaxColumnsInIndex() {
return 32;
* @return The SQL on this database to get a list of sequences.
public String getSQLListOfSequences() {
return "SELECT SEQUENCE_NAME FROM all_sequences";
* @param string
* @return A string that is properly quoted for use in an Oracle SQL statement
* (insert, update, delete, etc)
public String quoteSQLString(String string) {
string = string.replaceAll("'", "''");
string = string.replaceAll("\\n", "'||chr(13)||'");
string = string.replaceAll("\\r", "'||chr(10)||'");
return "'" + string + "'";
* Returns a false as Oracle does not allow for the releasing of savepoints.
public boolean releaseSavepoint() {
return false;
public boolean supportsErrorHandlingOnBatchUpdates() {
return false;
* @return true if Kettle can create a repository on this type of database.
public boolean supportsRepository() {
return true;
public int getMaxVARCHARLength() {
return 2000;
* Oracle does not support a construct like 'drop table if exists', which is
* apparently legal syntax in many other RDBMSs. So we need to implement the
* same behavior and avoid throwing 'table does not exist' exception.
* @param tableName
* Name of the table to drop
* @return 'drop table if exists'-like statement for Oracle
public String getDropTableIfExistsStatement(String tableName) {
return "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + tableName;
public SqlScriptParser createSqlScriptParser() {
return new SqlScriptParser(false);
* @return true if using strict number(38) interpretation
public boolean strictBigNumberInterpretation() {
return "Y".equalsIgnoreCase(getAttributes().getProperty(STRICT_BIGNUMBER_INTERPRETATION, "N"));
* @param strictBigNumberInterpretation
* true if use strict number(38) interpretation
public void setStrictBigNumberInterpretation(boolean strictBigNumberInterpretation) {
getAttributes().setProperty(STRICT_BIGNUMBER_INTERPRETATION, strictBigNumberInterpretation ? "Y" : "N");
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