LeetCode 题解之Goat Latin
string toGoatLatin(string S) {
vector<string> words;
for(string::iterator it = S.begin() ; it != S.end(); ++it ){
string::iterator it_i = it ;
while( it_i != S.end() && isalpha( *it_i) ){
++it_i ;
string word(it,it_i);
words.push_back( word );
if( it_i != S.end() ){
it = it_i;
it = it_i - ;
} string result ;
string a = "a";
set<string> vowels{"a","e","i","o","u","A","E","I","O","U"};
for( auto &s : words ){
if( vowels.find( s.substr(,) ) != vowels.end() ){
s += "ma";
s += s[];
s.erase( s.begin() );
s += "ma";
s += a;
a += "a";
result += s += " ";
} result.erase( result.end() - );
return result ; }
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