CYx63BPA BLE module IQC test guide

Test Jig setting:
1.  Connect  USB1 and USB2 with computer serial port  (Usb1:COM2,  Usb2:Com 3)

2. RF wireless connect with  N4010A
The antennas are placed vertically

N4010A IP setting:

DTM Firmware :
Open   firmwareErase.bat  and FirmwareProgram.bat
Line233 , setting DTM firmware Location


1. running test program

2. Put the gold machine on the shelf and correct it by "Cal" before the test every day. (be careful not to test the gold machine, or the gold machine will be burned again.

3. Put the Test product into the shelf and press "Test" to start the Test

4. If the test passes, the program will display "PASS" as shown in the figure below:

5. If the test fails, the program shows "Fail" as shown in the figure below:

6. The test results are in the "Test_Result" folder

Test notes

1. Don't change the stacking position during the test

2. Do not have wires or other metal objects around the antenna

3. The test shall be conducted in the shielded room

4. If the operator has a mobile phone, please set it in airplane mode

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