maxmemory 1048576 maxmemory 1048576B maxmemory 1000KB maxmemory 100MB maxmemory 1GB maxmemory 1000K maxmemory 100M maxmemory 1G |
Warning: 32 bit instance detected but no memory limit set. Setting 3 GB maxmemory limit with 'noeviction' policy now. |
server.maxmemory = 3072LL*(1024*1024); /* 3 GB */ server.maxmemory_policy = MAXMEMORY_NO_EVICTION; |
WARNING: You specified a maxmemory value that is less than 1MB (current value is %llu bytes). Are you sure this is what you really want? |
/* Convert a string representing an amount of memory into the number of * bytes, so for instance memtoll("1Gb") will return 1073741824 that is * (1024*1024*1024). * * On parsing error, if *err is not NULL, it's set to 1, otherwise it's * set to 0. On error the function return value is 0, regardless of the * fact 'err' is NULL or not. */ long long memtoll(const char *p, int *err) { const char *u; char buf[128]; long mul; /* unit multiplier */ long long val; unsigned int digits; if (err) *err = 0; /* Search the first non digit character. */ u = p; if (*u == '-') u++; while(*u && isdigit(*u)) u++; if (*u == '\0' || !strcasecmp(u,"b")) { // 调用strcasecmp不区分大小比较 mul = 1; } else if (!strcasecmp(u,"k")) { mul = 1000; // 不带尾巴B或b的 } else if (!strcasecmp(u,"kb")) { mul = 1024; // 带尾巴B或b的 } else if (!strcasecmp(u,"m")) { mul = 1000*1000; // 不带尾巴B或b的 } else if (!strcasecmp(u,"mb")) { mul = 1024*1024; // 带尾巴B或b的 } else if (!strcasecmp(u,"g")) { mul = 1000L*1000*1000; // 不带尾巴B或b的 } else if (!strcasecmp(u,"gb")) { mul = 1024L*1024*1024; // 带尾巴B或b的 } else { if (err) *err = 1; return 0; } /* Copy the digits into a buffer, we'll use strtoll() to convert * the digit (without the unit) into a number. */ digits = u-p; if (digits >= sizeof(buf)) { if (err) *err = 1; return 0; } memcpy(buf,p,digits); buf[digits] = '\0'; char *endptr; errno = 0; val = strtoll(buf,&endptr,10); if ((val == 0 && errno == EINVAL) || *endptr != '\0') { if (err) *err = 1; return 0; } return val*mul; } // 有关REdis内存策略的实现,请参见REdis源码文件evict.c。 |
redis-cli -h -p 6379 config set maxmemory 15GB |
redis-cli -h -p 6379 config get maxmemory 或 redis-cli -h -p 6379 info memory | grep maxmemory |
由于REdis一般占大内存,所以通常需要关闭系统的OOM,方法为将“/proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory”的值设置为1(通常不建议设置为2),也可以使用命令sysctl设置,如:sysctl vm.overcommit_memory=1,但注意一定要同时修改文件/etc/sysctl.conf,以便得系统重启后仍然生效:
# vi /etc/sysctl.conf vm.overcommit_memory=1 |
修改sysctl.conf后,需要执行“sysctl -p”以使生效。
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