How to enables AX email functionality without Outlook
- /*****************************************************************
- (C) Copyright DENTSPLY International. All rights reserved.
- The use, disclosure, reproduction, modification, transfer, or
- transmittal of this work for any purpose in any form or by any
- means without written permission of DENTSPLY International is
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- Created Date: 10/Jun/2013
- Created By: Jimmy Xie[Tectura]
- Helpdesk Ticket#: KP000115
- Description of Behavior: Enables AX email functionality without Outlook
- Expected Input: Request to generate email
- Expected Output: Email sent out of AX
- ******************************************************************/
- void reportSendMail(PrintJobSettings p1)
- {
- //Start Declaration
- //SysINetMail m = new SysINetMail(); // Commented out old AX code
- System.Net.Mail.MailMessage mailMessage;
- System.Net.Mail.Attachment attachment;
- System.Net.Mail.AttachmentCollection attachementCollection;
- System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient myMail;
- str userMailAddress;
- str receiverMailAddress;
- str receiverCCMailAddress;
- str mailBody;
- str smtpServer;
- str mail;
- fileNameOpen fileNameForEmail;
- FileIOPermission perm;
- userinfo userInfo;
- //end Declaration
- str fileName = 'axaptareport';
- SysEmailMessageTable sysEmailMessageTable;
- ;
- if (p1.format() == PrintFormat::ASCII)
- {
- fileNameForEmail = subStr(p1.fileName(),strLen(p1.fileName())-,-) + 'TXT'; // NL
- }
- //fileName = fileName + '.txt'; // Commented out this line
- else if (p1.format() == PrintFormat::RTF)
- {
- fileNameForEmail = subStr(p1.fileName(), strLen(p1.fileName())-, -) + 'RTF';
- }
- //fileName = fileName + '.rtf';
- else if (p1.format() == PrintFormat::HTML)
- {
- fileNameForEmail = subStr(p1.fileName(), strLen(p1.fileName())-, -) + 'HTM';
- }
- //fileName = fileName + '.htm';
- //else if (p1.format() == PrintFormat::PDF) // Performance Testing : commentign this line and replacing the line below.
- else if (p1.format() == PrintFormat::PDF || p1.format() == PrintFormat::PDF_EMBED_FONTS)// Performance Testing :(replacing the above line) addign this line as it was present in the jsRemotecontroller project.. can be removedd later..
- {
- fileNameForEmail = subStr(p1.fileName(), strLen(p1.fileName())-, -) + 'PDF';
- }
- //fileName = fileName + '.pdf';
- //Start Logic
- mail = subStr(fileNameforEmail, (strlen(fileNameforEmail)-), );
- select firstonly name from userInfo where == SysuserInfo::find().Id; // to find the user name
- fileNameforEmail = winApi::getTempPath() + mail; // store attachment in a temp location
- perm = new FileIOPermission(fileNameforEmail, 'w');
- if(!perm)
- {
- throw error("Cannot move attachment to temp location.");
- }
- try
- {
- perm.assert();
- }
- catch
- {
- throw error("Cannot gain access to Temp location.");
- }
- // find current users email address setup up in user //options
- userMailAddress = SysUserInfo::find().Email;
- if(!info::validateEmail(userMailAddress))
- {
- throw error("Senders email is not valid");
- }
- receiverMailAddress = p1.mailTo() + "," + p1.mailCc();
- receiverMailAddress = strReplace(receiverMailAddress, ";" , ",");
- mailBody = SysEmailMessageTable::find("SysEmail", SysEmailTable::find("SysEmail").DefaultLanguage).Mail;
- // using the SMTP server ip //setup in email Parameters
- smtpServer = SysEmaiLParameters::find(false).SMTPRelayServerName;
- try
- {
- mailMessage = new System.Net.Mail.MailMessage(userMailAddress, receiverMailAddress);
- }
- catch(Exception::Internal)
- {
- infolog.clear();
- throw error("This Message was undeliverable due to the following reason:"
- +"\n"
- +"Your message was not delivered because a destination address was\n"
- +"not found. Carefully check that it was spelled correctly and try\n"
- +"sending it again if there were any mistakes.\n"
- +"\n"
- +"**When separating multiple email address please use either a comma or semicolon.**"
- );
- }
- mailmessage.set_Subject(p1.mailSubject());
- mailmessage.set_Body(mailBody);
- mailmessage.set_IsBodyHtml(true);
- //move attachment file to Temp folder
- winapi::moveFile(p1.fileName(), fileNameforEmail);
- attachementCollection = mailMessage.get_Attachments();
- attachment = new System.Net.Mail.Attachment(fileNameforEmail);
- attachementCollection.Add(attachment);
- myMail = new System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient(smtpServer);
- mymail.Send(mailmessage);
- //Disopse COM objects
- attachment.Dispose();
- attachementCollection.Dispose();
- mailMessage.Dispose();
- //Delete the temp file
- winApi::deleteFile(fileNameforEmail);
- CodeAccessPermission::revertAssert();
- //end
- }
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