How to enables AX email functionality without Outlook
(C) Copyright DENTSPLY International. All rights reserved.
The use, disclosure, reproduction, modification, transfer, or
transmittal of this work for any purpose in any form or by any
means without written permission of DENTSPLY International is
strictly prohibited. Created Date: 10/Jun/2013
Created By: Jimmy Xie[Tectura]
Helpdesk Ticket#: KP000115
Description of Behavior: Enables AX email functionality without Outlook
Expected Input: Request to generate email
Expected Output: Email sent out of AX
******************************************************************/ void reportSendMail(PrintJobSettings p1)
//Start Declaration
//SysINetMail m = new SysINetMail(); // Commented out old AX code
System.Net.Mail.MailMessage mailMessage;
System.Net.Mail.Attachment attachment;
System.Net.Mail.AttachmentCollection attachementCollection;
System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient myMail;
str userMailAddress;
str receiverMailAddress;
str receiverCCMailAddress;
str mailBody;
str smtpServer;
str mail;
fileNameOpen fileNameForEmail;
FileIOPermission perm;
userinfo userInfo;
//end Declaration
str fileName = 'axaptareport';
SysEmailMessageTable sysEmailMessageTable;
; if (p1.format() == PrintFormat::ASCII)
fileNameForEmail = subStr(p1.fileName(),strLen(p1.fileName())-,-) + 'TXT'; // NL
//fileName = fileName + '.txt'; // Commented out this line else if (p1.format() == PrintFormat::RTF)
fileNameForEmail = subStr(p1.fileName(), strLen(p1.fileName())-, -) + 'RTF';
//fileName = fileName + '.rtf'; else if (p1.format() == PrintFormat::HTML)
fileNameForEmail = subStr(p1.fileName(), strLen(p1.fileName())-, -) + 'HTM';
//fileName = fileName + '.htm';
//else if (p1.format() == PrintFormat::PDF) // Performance Testing : commentign this line and replacing the line below.
else if (p1.format() == PrintFormat::PDF || p1.format() == PrintFormat::PDF_EMBED_FONTS)// Performance Testing :(replacing the above line) addign this line as it was present in the jsRemotecontroller project.. can be removedd later..
fileNameForEmail = subStr(p1.fileName(), strLen(p1.fileName())-, -) + 'PDF';
} //fileName = fileName + '.pdf';
//Start Logic
mail = subStr(fileNameforEmail, (strlen(fileNameforEmail)-), ); select firstonly name from userInfo where == SysuserInfo::find().Id; // to find the user name fileNameforEmail = winApi::getTempPath() + mail; // store attachment in a temp location perm = new FileIOPermission(fileNameforEmail, 'w'); if(!perm)
throw error("Cannot move attachment to temp location.");
} try
throw error("Cannot gain access to Temp location.");
} // find current users email address setup up in user //options
userMailAddress = SysUserInfo::find().Email; if(!info::validateEmail(userMailAddress))
throw error("Senders email is not valid");
} receiverMailAddress = p1.mailTo() + "," + p1.mailCc();
receiverMailAddress = strReplace(receiverMailAddress, ";" , ","); mailBody = SysEmailMessageTable::find("SysEmail", SysEmailTable::find("SysEmail").DefaultLanguage).Mail; // using the SMTP server ip //setup in email Parameters
smtpServer = SysEmaiLParameters::find(false).SMTPRelayServerName; try
mailMessage = new System.Net.Mail.MailMessage(userMailAddress, receiverMailAddress);
throw error("This Message was undeliverable due to the following reason:"
+"Your message was not delivered because a destination address was\n"
+"not found. Carefully check that it was spelled correctly and try\n"
+"sending it again if there were any mistakes.\n"
+"**When separating multiple email address please use either a comma or semicolon.**"
} mailmessage.set_Subject(p1.mailSubject());
mailmessage.set_Body(mailBody); mailmessage.set_IsBodyHtml(true); //move attachment file to Temp folder
winapi::moveFile(p1.fileName(), fileNameforEmail); attachementCollection = mailMessage.get_Attachments();
attachment = new System.Net.Mail.Attachment(fileNameforEmail);
attachementCollection.Add(attachment); myMail = new System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient(smtpServer);
mymail.Send(mailmessage); //Disopse COM objects
attachment.Dispose(); attachementCollection.Dispose();
mailMessage.Dispose(); //Delete the temp file
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