using namespace std;
struct BST{
int key;
BST *lc, *rc;
this->key = ;
lc = rc = NULL;
BST(int k){
this->key = k;
lc = rc = NULL;
BST* newNode(int item){
BST *tmp = (BST*)malloc(sizeof(BST));
tmp->key = item;
tmp->lc = tmp->rc = NULL;
return tmp;
BST* insert(BST *root, int item){
if(root==NULL) return newNode(item);
if(item < root->key){
root->lc = insert(root->lc,item);
else if(item > root->key){
root->rc = insert(root->rc,item);
return root;
void inorder(BST *root){
cout<< root->key << endl;
int main(){
BST *root = new BST();
for(int i=;i<=;i+=){
root = insert(root, i);
return ;

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