#ifndef my_handle_h
#define my_handle_h #include <stdint.h>
#include "mydef.h"
#include "mem.h" typedef struct tag_my_handle {
int ref;
int stack;
intptr_t detached;
void* ptr;
free_t free;
} my_handle; static inline my_handle* debug_handle_attach(void* ptr, free_t fp_free, const char* func, int line)
my_handle* handle = (my_handle *) debug_malloc(sizeof(my_handle), func, line);
if (handle != NULL) {
handle->ref = 1;
handle->stack = 1; handle->ptr = ptr;
handle->free = fp_free;
handle->detached = 0;
return handle;
#define handle_attach(ptr, fptr) debug_handle_attach(ptr, fptr, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__) #define handle_put(handle) \
do { \
int n = __sync_sub_and_fetch(&(handle)->stack, 1); \
my_assert(n >= 0); \
if (n == 0) { \
void* handle_ptr = (void *) __sync_lock_test_and_set(&(handle)->ptr, NULL); \
if ((handle)->free && handle_ptr) { \
(handle)->free(handle_ptr); \
} \
} \
} while (0) static inline void* handle_get_with(my_handle* handle, int detach, const char* func, int line)
int n = __sync_add_and_fetch(&handle->stack, 1);
int b = __sync_bool_compare_and_swap((void **) &handle->detached, (void *) 0, (void *) (intptr_t) detach);
if (!b) {
return NULL;
} void* ptr = handle->ptr;
my_assert2(n > 1 && ptr != NULL, "%d, %p, caller %d@%s", n, ptr, line, func);
return ptr;
#define handle_get(handle) handle_get_with((handle), 0, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__) static inline int handle_clone(my_handle* handle)
int n = __sync_add_and_fetch(&handle->ref, 1);
my_assert(n > 0);
return n;
} static inline int handle_release(my_handle* handle)
int n = __sync_sub_and_fetch(&handle->ref, 1);
my_assert2(n >= 0, "%p %d:%d", handle, handle->ref, handle->stack);
if (n > 0) {
return n;
} // it should be safe to simplely check whether detached equals 0.
// we know __sync_xxx functions have mb() semantics, and
// if some one set handle->detached = 1, it only can be called in
// handle_dettach while still holds a reference of handle.
// ok, now we have seen handle->ref = 0 above, meaning
// we have observed the latter handle_release in handle_dettach.
// then, the mb() assure that
// we have observed the earlier handle_get_with(handle, 1).
if (handle->detached == 0) {
my_assert(handle->stack == 0); my_free(handle);
return n;
} static inline int debug_handle_dettach(my_handle* handle, const char* func, int line)
void* ptr = handle_get_with(handle, 1, func, line);
if (ptr != NULL) {
__sync_sub_and_fetch(&handle->stack, 1);
return handle_release(handle);
#define handle_dettach(handle) debug_handle_dettach((handle), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__) #endif


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