Apache Marmotta 3.1.0-incubating 发布
Apache Marmotta 3.1.0-incubating 发布了,Apache Marmotta 项目的目的是提供 Linked Data Platform 的开源实现,可让组织轻松的使用、扩展和发布 Linked Data 或者构建基于 Linked Data 的应用。
Release Notes - Marmotta - Version 3.1-incubating
- [MARMOTTA-216] - Implement JOIN improvements
- [MARMOTTA-217] - Implement FILTER improvements
- [MARMOTTA-218] - Integrate in marmotta-sparql
- [MARMOTTA-28] - Implement tests for core that take into account triple store changes
- [MARMOTTA-63] - Triplestore: garbage collector for nodes currently not working properly
- [MARMOTTA-66] - Rework sesame-commons ResourceUtils
- [MARMOTTA-143] - unable to import big files
- [MARMOTTA-150] - BNodes are a dead end in the Linked Data Explorer
- [MARMOTTA-154] - Youtube video provider doesn't fetch the keywords
- [MARMOTTA-155] - 3-char lang-tags are not accepted
- [MARMOTTA-156] - Add Logback configuration to all tests to enable/disable debug logging
- [MARMOTTA-170] - file-store (meta) for ldcache-backend-file contains wrong comments
- [MARMOTTA-171] - remove legacy subdirs from src/main/webapp in marmotta-webapp
- [MARMOTTA-186] - LDPath parser fails on local names that contain '.'
- [MARMOTTA-187] - ldpath extension for CM does not recognize local names with '.' or '-'
- [MARMOTTA-191] - SPARQL graph results fails under some circunstances
- [MARMOTTA-197] - ldpath is loosing brackets on re-serialisation
- [MARMOTTA-204] - Update to Sesame 2.7.1
- [MARMOTTA-205] - Turtle-Exports do not contain any language tags
- [MARMOTTA-206] - Strictly follow the standard formatting on the NOTICE
- [MARMOTTA-208] - Meta Put Webservice Deleting Tuples Incorrectly
- [MARMOTTA-213] - Address the issues on our NOTICE files
- [MARMOTTA-214] - Memento timestamp does not use the right template
- [MARMOTTA-221] - ldpath is loosing quotes for StringConstants on re-serialisation
- [MARMOTTA-225] - Serializing ldpath field mappings with URIs as fieldname does not work correctly
- [MARMOTTA-227] - Snorql uses different set of prefixes in the query evaluation than the showed at the user interface
- [MARMOTTA-231] - Admin Interface: changing list values does not work
- [MARMOTTA-232] - Reasoner does not add all justifications
- [MARMOTTA-234] - Loading webjars resources doesn't work
- [MARMOTTA-235] - facading with primitive types (int, long, float, etc) results in ClassCastExeption
- [MARMOTTA-236] - triple-leak with concurrent connections in facading
- [MARMOTTA-240] - MediaWiki provider is not detecting all redirects.
- [MARMOTTA-242] - LdPath Templating shoud set default output-encoding
- [MARMOTTA-243] - Fix JRebel configuration
- [MARMOTTA-247] - URNs are not properly handled by the Linked Data Explorer
- [MARMOTTA-253] - Delete context does not work for external URIs
- [MARMOTTA-254] - Triples are not available after import
- [MARMOTTA-266] - Upgrade to RestEasy 3.0
- [MARMOTTA-272] - LDP drafts for review in preparation of W3C Last Call
- [MARMOTTA-274] - Database queries on big tables result in out of memory error
- [MARMOTTA-275] - SPARQL Query Form in Admin-UI is using wrong server address
- [MARMOTTA-277] - Fix the Monitoring (Task) Service
- [MARMOTTA-278] - GC causes DoS
- [MARMOTTA-280] - SPARQL Timeout: Too many error messages and invalid transaction
- [MARMOTTA-283] - Triples are removed in DELETE/INSERT statement
- [MARMOTTA-284] - Database Error during SPARQL Update
- [MARMOTTA-288] - Snorql requests prefixes to the wrong path
- [MARMOTTA-289] - JQuery is missing from the Linked Data Explorer
- [MARMOTTA-290] - NullPointerException when creating directories under import
- [MARMOTTA-297] - Error in the KiWi ValueFactory with long literals
- [MARMOTTA-298] - NullPointerException submitting a SPARQL Query
- [MARMOTTA-299] - NullPointerException initializing the platform
- [MARMOTTA-300] - Linked Data Explorer: resources not found
- [MARMOTTA-302] - Linked Data Explorer: no info link shown for inferred triples
- [MARMOTTA-305] - Linked Data Webservice: non-existant resources return status code 200 instead of 404
- [MARMOTTA-307] - Reasoner should be interrupted on forced shutdown
- [MARMOTTA-41] - Implement tests for kiwi-tripletable
- [MARMOTTA-110] - Split LDPath backend API
- [MARMOTTA-124] - Update to Java-7
- [MARMOTTA-135] - Provide a single SPARQL endpoint
- [MARMOTTA-181] - Update Flint SPARQL editor to most recent version
- [MARMOTTA-215] - Select LDPath relative to a Graph/Context
- [MARMOTTA-219] - CM-Plugin for LDPath sould support comments
- [MARMOTTA-226] - Support timeouts for SPARQL queries
- [MARMOTTA-230] - Update to Commons3
- [MARMOTTA-233] - Adopt Bootstrap as base html framework for the admin interface
- [MARMOTTA-260] - Remove sesame-tools-rio-rdfjson in favour of sesame-rio-rdfjson
- [MARMOTTA-261] - Remove sesame-tools-rio-jsonld in favour of jsonld-java-sesame
- [MARMOTTA-292] - Update Codemirror to version 3.x
- [MARMOTTA-293] - Support fully qualified context names importing locally
New Feature
- [MARMOTTA-18] - Versioning: Allow deleting old versions
- [MARMOTTA-19] - Versioning: allow reverting old versions
- [MARMOTTA-145] - Provide a local directory where automatically import data
- [MARMOTTA-161] - Allow retry attempts when caching a resource failed
- [MARMOTTA-212] - Extend the Rule API to support just evaluation
- [MARMOTTA-220] - CM plugin for the (s)kwrl reasoning language
- [MARMOTTA-273] - Implement string equals functioninality
- [MARMOTTA-291] - Local import to a concrete named context
- [MARMOTTA-13] - Setup mvn site for generating the Website from the code
- [MARMOTTA-80] - Improve KiWi SPARQL evaluation for certain queries
- [MARMOTTA-128] - Reimplement JSON-LD parser and serializer
- [MARMOTTA-149] - Provide useful content at the admin pages
- [MARMOTTA-169] - autowired ldpath functions superclass is still called LMFLDPathFunction
- [MARMOTTA-184] - Provide an implementation of DC to PROV mappings based on our reasoner
- [MARMOTTA-211] - Provide documentation for the Sesame Façading
- [MARMOTTA-246] - Provide upgrade scripts for the latest changes of the schema
- [MARMOTTA-301] - Properly test the platform and store
- [MARMOTTA-237] - 137 Tests are ignored
- [MARMOTTA-285] - Implement/Integrate Sesame SPARQL Testsuite into KiWi
- [MARMOTTA-249] - Provide prefix deletion
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