在C++14中允许使用type deduction用于函数参数和函数返回值

Return Type Deduction in C++11

 #include <iostream>
using namespace std;
auto AutoFunctionFromReturn(int parameter) -> int
return parameter;
} int main()
auto value = AutoFunctionFromReturn();
cout << value << endl;
return ;

Deducing return types for C++11 template functions

#include <iostream>
using namespace std; template <typename T>
auto AutoFunctionFromParameter(T parameter) -> decltype(parameter)
return parameter;
} int main()
auto value = AutoFunctionFromParameter();
cout << value << endl;
return ;

In order to reduce the verbose code

Using auto to Deduce Return Type on a Template Function C++14

#include <iostream>
using namespace std; template <typename T>
auto AutoFunctionFromParameter(T parameter)
return parameter;
} int main()
auto value = AutoFunctionFromParameter();
cout << value << endl;
return ;

2-4. Using auto with Functions的更多相关文章

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