
A tree with N nodes and N-1 edges is given. To connect or disconnect one edge, we need 1 unit of cost respectively. The nodes are labeled from 1 to N. Your job is to transform the tree to a cycle(without superfluous edges) using minimal cost. 
A cycle of n nodes is defined as follows: (1)a graph with n nodes and n edges (2)the degree of every node is 2 (3) each node can reach every other node with these N edges.InputThe first line contains the number of test cases T( T<=10 ). Following lines are the scenarios of each test case. 

In the first line of each test case, there is a single integer N( 3<=N<=1000000 ) - the number of nodes in the tree. The following N-1 lines describe the N-1 edges of the tree. Each line has a pair of integer U, V ( 1<=U,V<=N ), describing a bidirectional edge (U, V). 
OutputFor each test case, please output one integer representing minimal cost to transform the tree to a cycle.

Sample Input

1 2
2 3
2 4

Sample Output



In the sample above, you can disconnect (2,4) and then connect (1, 4) and
(3, 4), and the total cost is 3.







using namespace std;
const int N=1e6+;
inline int R()
char c;int f=;
for(;c<=''&&c>='';c=getchar()) f=(f<<)+(f<<)+c-'';
return f;
int n,ans=,first[N],nxt[N*],go[N*],tot,T;
inline void pre()
inline void comb(int a,int b)
inline int dfs(int u,int fa)
int cnt=;
for(int e=first[u];e;e=nxt[e]) {int v=go[e];if(v==fa) continue;cnt+=dfs(v,u);}
if(cnt>=){ans+=cnt-+(u==?:);return ;}
else return ;
int main()
// freopen("a.in","r",stdin);
pre();n=R();int a,b;
for(int i=;i<n;i++) {a=R(),b=R();comb(a,b);}
return ;

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