有时候我们刚进入 Intellij IDEA时会出现这样一个情况,原因是IDEA没有找到spring的配置文件,我们需要添加spring文件给idea管理





Please configure Spring facet or use 'Create Default Context' to add one including all unmapped files.的更多相关文章

  1. IntelliJ IDEA 2017 提示“Unmapped Spring configuration files found.Please configure Spring facet.”解决办法

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  2. "Unmapped Spring configuration files found.Please configure Spring facet."解决办法

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  3. How to configure Spring facet in IntelliJ IDEA

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  4. 安装RabbitMQ编译erlang时,checking for c compiler default output file name... configure:error:C compiler cannot create executables See 'config.log' for more details.

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  5. Myeclipse报错:“Versions of Spring facet could not be detected”的解决方法

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  6. configure error C compiler cannot create executables错误解决

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  7. Myelipcse导入Maven项目: version of spring facet could not be detected

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  8. configure: error: C++ compiler cannot create executables

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