在上篇博客[Cake] 1. CI中的Cake中介绍了如何在CI中利用Cake来保持与CI/CD环境的解耦。

1. 简化cake的安装

当时dotnet 2.1还未正式发布,dotnet 还没有工具的支持,使得安装cake非常麻烦。不过随着 dotnet tool 的加入,这一问题得到了很好的解决。目前安装cake(0.30.0版本之后)只需要一行命令即可:

 dotnet tool install -g cake.tool

然后就可以使用cake了。用 dotnet cake 或者 dotnet-cake 都可以,推荐使用前者。

 $ dotnet cake --help

 Usage: Cake.exe [script] [--verbosity=value]
[--showdescription] [--dryrun] [..] Example: Cake.exe
Example: Cake.exe build.cake --verbosity=quiet
Example: Cake.exe build.cake --showdescription Options:
--verbosity=value Specifies the amount of information to be displayed.
(Quiet, Minimal, Normal, Verbose, Diagnostic)
--debug Performs a debug.
--showdescription Shows description about tasks.
--showtree Shows the task dependency tree.
--dryrun Performs a dry run.
--exclusive Execute a single task without any dependencies.
--bootstrap Download/install modules defined by #module directives
--version Displays version information.
--info Displays additional information about Cake execution.
--help Displays usage information.

2. 简化cake的引导脚本

上一篇博客[Cake] 1. CI中的Cake中出现的cake的引导脚本 build.ps1 和 build.sh ,绝大部分代码都是在下载安装cake用的,既然有了上面的 dotnet tool 命令可以安装cake,那么当然也就可以简化一下了。


2.1 cake.ps1

 [string]$SCRIPT       = '0-build/build.cake'
[string]$CAKE_VERSION = '0.33.0' # nuget server config
$ENV:NUGET_REPOSITORY_API_URL = "http://nuget-server.test/nuget"
$ENV:NUGET_REPOSITORY_API_KEY = "" # Install cake.tool
dotnet tool install --global cake.tool --version $CAKE_VERSION # Start Cake
[string]$CAKE_ARGS = "-verbosity=diagnostic" Write-Host "dotnet cake $SCRIPT $CAKE_ARGS $ARGS" -ForegroundColor GREEN dotnet cake $SCRIPT $CAKE_ARGS $ARGS


 $ .\cake.ps1 --showtree
Tool 'cake.tool' is already installed.
dotnet cake 0-build/build.cake -verbosity=diagnostic --showtree .... default
└─restore push

2.2 cake.sh


CAKE_VERSION='0.33.0' # nuget server config
export NUGET_REPOSITORY_API_URL='http://nuget-server.test/nuget'
export NUGET_REPOSITORY_API_KEY='' # Install cake.tool
dotnet tool install --global cake.tool --version $CAKE_VERSION
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.dotnet/tools" # Start Cake
CAKE_ARGS="$SCRIPT -verbosity=diagnostic" echo "\033[32mdotnet cake $CAKE_ARGS $@" dotnet cake $CAKE_ARGS "$@"

3. CI/CD

CI/CD的yaml配置文件不用做调整,只需执行对 cake.sh 或者 cake.ps1 的调用即可。这也是cake带来的避免在CI/CD中编程的好处,所有的逻辑都位于cake脚本中。


dotnet tool https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/dotnet/core/tools/dotnet-tool-install

cake 示例项目 https://github.com/linianhui/cake.example

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