这个问题出现再 mysql和c  的api。


例如,cmd = 'mysql -h -P 3316 -u bfdroot -pqianfendian -D DMP_GDMP_Cbehe      -e "%s"' % update_sql2


Mysql文档:Commands out of sync

If you get Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now in
your client code, you are calling client functions in the wrong order.

This can happen, for example, if you are using mysql_use_result() and
try to execute a new query before you have called mysql_free_result().
It can also happen if you try to execute two queries that return data without calling mysql_use_result() or mysql_store_result() in

第一种 存储结果未释放,然后又查询




    result = mysql_store_result( mysql ); 


}while( !mysql_next_result( mysql ) );

例子 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2013-04/82619.htm

: Update OK!sql: insert into  t_alarm_record_file  (recordPath,recordName,hostIp,startTime,endTime,deviceId,programNumber,deviceType,interfaceNo,alarmType,alarmTime) values ('/figure/data/AlarmRecord/StreamTS/1-码流_魅力音 乐主路/2011-11-07/20111107150116.ts','','','2011-11-07
15:01:16','1970-01-01 08:00:00',37486602,3905,'0',1,12,'2011-11-07 15:01:20');update  t_alarm  set fileId = LAST_INSERT_ID()  where deviceId = 37486602 and programNumber = 3905 and alarmType = 12 and alarmDate = '2011-11-07 15:01:20' and fileId is null

2011-11-07 15:01:35,331: ERROR  : Update failed!sql: insert into  t_alarm_record_file  (recordPath,recordName,hostIp,startTime,endTime,deviceId,programNumber,deviceType,interfaceNo,alarmType,alarmTime) values ('/figure/data/AlarmRecord/StreamTS/1-码流_魅力音 乐主路/2011-11-07/20111107150116.ts','','','2011-11-07
15:01:16','1970-01-01 08:00:00',37486602,3905,'0',1,13,'2011-11-07 15:01:27');update  t_alarm  set fileId = LAST_INSERT_ID()  where deviceId = 37486602 and programNumber = 3905 and alarmType = 13 and alarmDate = '2011-11-07 15:01:27' and fileId is null, ERROR:Commands
out of sync; you can't run this command now







    result = mysql_store_result( mysql ); 


}while( !mysql_next_result( mysql ) );



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