passing ‘const ’ as ‘this’ argument of ‘’ discards qualifiers 错误处理
#include <iostream>
#include <set>
using namespace std ;
class StudentT
public :
int id ; string name ;
public :
StudentT ( int _id , string _name ) : id ( _id ), name ( _name ) { }
int getId () { return id ; }
string getName () { return name ; }
inline bool operator < ( StudentT s1 , StudentT s2 ) { return s1 . getId () < s2 . getId (); }
int main ()
set < StudentT > st ;
StudentT s1 ( 0 , "Tom" );
StudentT s2 ( 1 , "Tim" );
st . insert ( s1 ); st . insert ( s2 );
set < StudentT > :: iterator itr ;
for ( itr = st . begin (); itr != st . end (); itr ++)
cout << itr -> getId () << " " << itr -> getName () << endl ;
return 0 ;
../main.cpp:35: error: passing 'const StudentT' as 'this' argument of 'int StudentT::getId()' discards qualifiers
../main.cpp:35: error: passing 'const StudentT' as 'this' argument of 'std::string StudentT::getName()' discards qualifiers
std::set的对象存储const StudentT 。 所以当您尝试调用getId() const对象的编译器检测到一个问题,即你调用一个const对象的非const成员函数这是不允许的,因为非const成员函数不作任何承诺,不修改对象,所以编译器将会使一个安全的假设getId()可能试图修改的对象,但同时,它也注意到,该对象是const,所以任何试图修改const对象应该是一个错误。 因此,编译器会生成错误消息。
int getId () const { return id ; }
string getName () const { return name ;}
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