
Need to remove a batch of VMs, which named with same prefix or belong to same Cloud Service. After remove VMs, should automatically remove related disk (OS disk & Data Disk) and related VHD file .


PowerShell Get-AzureVM Remove-AzureVM


Write and run Windows Azure PowerShell script to implement this feature.


  1. The PowerShell script is below.


echo "Starting remove all vms of service $serviceName"


echo "Get all DiskNames of all VMs of service $serviceName."

$azureDiskNames= Get-AzureDisk| where{$_.AttachedTo -ne $null -and $_.AttachedTo.HostedServicename.StartsWith($serviceName)} | select DiskName


if($azureDiskNames -eq $null -or $azureDiskNames.Count -le 0){

echo "No VMs wanted to Remove."



echo "`r`nStarting remove all VMs of service $serviceName..."

Get-AzureVM | where{$_.ServiceName.StartsWith($serviceName)} | Remove-AzureVM -Verbose

#It spends time to remove VM on backend.

echo "Waiting Removing VM on backend..."

Start-Sleep -Seconds 120* $azureDiskNames.Count

echo "`r`nStarting remove all related disks..."

foreach($diskName in $azureDiskNames){

Get-AzureDisk | where {$_.DiskName -eq $diskName.DiskName } | Remove-AzureDisk -DeleteVHD -Verbose


echo "`r`nStarting remove all services"

Get-AzureService | where{$_.ServiceName.StartsWith($serviceName)} | Remove-AzureService -Force -Verbose

  1. If want to remove all Disks not attached to any VM, can use one CmdLet : Get-AzureDisk| where{ $_.AttachedTo -eq $null } | Remove-AzureDisk -DeleteVHD -Verbose
  2. If want to create a batch of VMs with one data disk attached. How to create a batch of VMs with PowerShell



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