C# final project
Problem Statement
You are tasked with developing a task manager. The task manager will allow people to add a new task, modify or delete an existing task.
Each task must have a title, a due date and a description.
The user interface should be simple, and the app should be easy to operate.
The task manager should be available to three platforms including Windows App Store 8.1, Windows Phone App 8.1 and WPF.
Revision History
Date |
Issue |
Description |
Author |
19/May/2015 |
1.0 |
Solve the version of WPF |
Li Xuntao |
24/May/2015 |
V1.0 |
Solve the version of the other two |
Li Xuntao |
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Definitions
2.1 Task
2.2 Title
2.3 Due Date
2.4 Description
2.5 Is Done
2.6 Task List
Course Registration System Glossary
1. Introduction
This document is used to deal with math problrm
2. Definitions
The glossary contains the working definitions for the key concepts in the calculator.
2.1 Task
A thing needed to be done in some day.
2.2 Title
The key word of a task.
2.3 Due Date
The date when the task should be done before.
2.4 Description
The details of a task.
2.5 Is Done
The state that shows whether the task is finished.
2.6 Task List
Table of Contents
1. Objectives
2. Scope
3. References
4. Functionality
5. Usability
6. Reliability
7. Performance
8. Supportability
9. Security
10. Design Constraints
calculator Supplementary Specification
1. Objectives
The purpose of this document is to define requirements of calculator. This Supplementary Specification lists the requirements that are not readily captured in the use cases of the use-case model. The Supplementary Specifications and the use-case model together capture a complete set of requirements on the system.
2. Scope
3. References
4. Functionality
- We developed a simple calculator. In this calculator, I achieve a lot of functions. For example, we can choose the operator from the operator box "+、-、*、/".
5. Usability
The user-interface shall be Windows 8.1 or Windows Phone 8.1 compliant.
6. Reliability
Saved tasks should be available every time the user opens the app.
7. Performance
- The app can be used at any time the user wants.
- the operation of it is very simple that you can use it conveniently.
8. Supportability
9. Security
10. Design Constraints
The app shall provide a Windows-based desktop interface, a Windows-based phone interface, and a WPF interface.
1.2 Flow of Events
1.2.1 Basic Flow
This use case starts when the user click the ADD button in the “add a task” page.
- The system checks to see if the due date is a future date. If it is, then the task will be successfully added to the task list. If not, the system will notify the user, and the task with invalid due date won’t be added to the task list.
1.2.2 Alternative Flows
1.3 Special Requirements
1.4 Pre-Conditions
1.5 Post-Conditions
If the task is added successfully, it will return to the main page with an updated task list. If not, it will stay in the current page.
1.6 Extension Points
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