

  • bool
  • int
  • float
  • string
  • array
  • resource

namespace Hack\UserDocumentation\Types\TypeSystem\Examples\Primitive;

class A {
protected float $x;
public string $y; public function __construct() {
$this->x = 4.0;
$this->y = "Day";
public function foo(bool $b): float {
return $b ? 2.3 * $this->x : 1.1 * $this->x;
} function bar(): string {
// local variables are inferred, not explicitly typed
$a = new A();
if ($a->foo(true) > 8.0) {
return "Good " . $a->y;
return "Bad " . $a->y;
} var_dump(bar());


string(8) "Good Day"



  • boolean
  • integer
  • real
  • double
  • void

void 是一种特殊的基础类型,代表函数或方法没有可监听的返回值。在定义了void的函数体中,可以使用return;。

NOTE: void 只能在方法和函数的返回值处定义,不能用在属性或参数上。


namespace Hack\UserDocumentation\Types\TypeSystem\Examples\Void;

class A {
protected float $x;
public string $y; public function __construct() {
$this->x = 4.0;
$this->y = "Day";
public function foo(bool $b): float {
return $b ? 2.3 * $this->x : 1.1 * $this->x;
} // void can only be used as a return types
function bar(): void {
// local variables are inferred, not explicitly typed
$a = new A();
if ($a->foo(true) > 8.0) {
echo "Good " . $a->y;
} else {
echo "Bad " . $a->y;
} bar();


Good Day

In Async

It is relatively common for async functions to return Awaitable. This means that while the function itself is returning an awaitable, the result of that awaitable will have no value. This, in essence, means the async function did some operation asynchronously that did not require a return value to the caller.


noreturn 是一种特殊的基础类型,代表函数或静态方法永不返回值。与void有点相似,但如果定义了noreturn,在函数体中连return;语句都不能出现。

noreturn 用于标识指定函数或静态方法总是抛出异常或以某种方式终止程序执行。


namespace Hack\UserDocumentation\Types\TypeSystem\Examples\NoReturn;

class A {
protected float $x;
public string $y; public function __construct() {
$this->x = 4.0;
$this->y = "Day";
public function foo(bool $b): float {
return $b ? 2.3 * $this->x : 1.1 * $this->x;
} // no return cannot be on an instance method
// only functions and static class methods
public static function baz(bool $b): noreturn {
if ($b) {
throw new \Exception("No Return");
} else {
return; // Even this will cause type-errors
} // void can only be used as a return types
function bar(): void {
// local variables are inferred, not explicitly typed
$a = new A();
if ($a->foo(true) > 8.0) {
echo "Good " . $a->y;
} else {
echo "Bad " . $a->y;
} bar();


Good Day



noreturn can only be used in function or static method returns.

Instance methods cannot be noreturn. This is due to the order in which the typechecker's analysis phases happen. The return type of an instance method call cannot be determined during control flow analysis because it needs to know the type on the left-hand side of the ->, and the results of type inference aren't available yet. This isn't an issue for calls to static methods, since those can be resolved before types have been inferred.

noreturn is not applicable to properties or parameters.


You can use the name of any built-in or custom class or interface.


namespace Hack\UserDocumentation\Types\TypeSystem\Examples\Obj;

class Z {
public function create_A(): A {
return new A();
} class A {
protected float $x;
public string $y; public function __construct() {
$this->x = 4.0;
$this->y = "Day";
public function foo(bool $b): float {
return $b ? 2.3 * $this->x : 1.1 * $this->x;
} // We are taking a Z and returning an object of type A
function baz(Z $z): A {
return $z->create_A();
} function bar(): string {
// local variables are inferred, not explicitly typed
$z = new Z();
$a = baz($z);
if ($a->foo(true) > 8.0) {
return "Good " . $a->y;
return "Bad " . $a->y;
} var_dump(bar());
string(8) "Good Day"

mixed is essentially a catch-all type that represents any possible Hack value (including null and void).


namespace Hack\UserDocumentation\Types\TypeSystem\Examples\Mixed;

class A {
public float $x;
protected string $y; public function __construct() {
$this->x = 4.0;
$this->y = "Day";
// mixed is the most lax type. Use it only when necessary
public function foo(bool $b): mixed {
return $b ? 2.3 * $this->x : $this->y;
} function bar(): string {
// local variables are inferred, not explicitly typed
$a = new A();
$v = $a->foo(false);
// Since A::foo() returns a mixed, we need to do various checks to make sure
// that we let the typechecker know understand what is coming back.
if (is_float($v)) {
return "No String";
invariant(is_string($v), "Something went wrong if this isn't true");
return "Good " . $v;
} var_dump(bar());
string(8) "Good Day"

Use sparsely

There are valid uses for mixed, but generally you want to be as specific as possible with your typing since the typechecker can only do so much with mixed given its constraints are so lax.


this can only be used as a return type annotation on a method of a class. this signifies that the method returns an object of the same class on which the method is defined.

The primary purpose of return this is to allow chaining of method calls on the instance of the class itself or its subclasses.


namespace Hack\UserDocumentation\Types\TypeSystem\Examples\ThisChaining;

class Vehicle {
private ?int $numWheels;
private ?string $make; public function setNumWheels(int $num): this {
$this->numWheels = $num;
return $this;
} public function setMake(string $make): this {
$this->make = $make;
return $this;
} class Car extends Vehicle {
private ?bool $autoTransmission; public function setAutomaticTransmission(bool $automatic): this {
$this->autoTransmission = $automatic;
return $this;
} class Hybrid extends Car {
private ?bool $pluggable; public function setPluggable(bool $pluggable): this {
$this->pluggable = $pluggable;
return $this;
} public function drive(): void {}
} function run(): void {
$h = new Hybrid();
// $h->NumWheels(4) returns the instance so you can immediately call
// setMake('Tesla') in a chain format, and so on. Finally culminating in an
// actionable method call, drive().
} run();
object(Hack\UserDocumentation\Types\TypeSystem\Examples\ThisChaining\Hybrid)#1 (4) {
string(5) "Tesla"

this on a static method means that a class method returns an object of the same class as the calling method. You can use it to return an instance of an object from a static class method where you are returning something like new static().


namespace Hack\UserDocumentation\Types\TypeSystem\Examples\ThisStatic;

class A {
protected float $x;
public string $y; // typechecker error if constructor isn't final because new static() cannot
// be called to return an instance of a subclass
final protected function __construct() {
$this->x = 4.0;
$this->y = "Day";
} public function foo(bool $b): float {
return $b ? 2.3 * $this->x : 1.1 * $this->x;
} // The this type annotation allows you to return an instance of a type
public static function create(int $x): this {
$instance = new static();
if ($x < 4) {
$instance->x = floatval($x);
return $instance;
} function bar(): string {
// local variables are inferred, not explicitly typed
// There is no public constructor, so call A's create() method
$a = A::create(2);
if ($a->foo(true) > 8.0) {
return "Good " . $a->y;
return "Bad " . $a->y;
} var_dump(bar());
string(7) "Bad Day"


num 是int 与 float的一种特殊联合类型。正常情况下,Hack里整型和浮点型是不兼容的类型。但对于很多数值操作的函数来说,传整型或浮点型差不多的情况下,就可以用num了。


namespace Hack\UserDocumentation\Types\TypeSystem\Examples\Num;

class A {
protected num $x;
public string $y; public function __construct(num $x) {
$this->x = $x;
$this->y = "Day";
public function foo(bool $b): num {
return $b ? 2.3 * $this->x : 1.1 * $this->x;
// The $x property can be either a float or int
public function setNum(num $x): void {
$this->x = $x;
} function check(A $a): string {
if ($a->foo(true) > 8.0) {
return "Good " . $a->y;
return "Bad " . $a->y;
} function bar(): string {
// local variables are inferred, not explicitly typed
// Setting the $x property in A to an int
$a = new A(4);
$ret = check($a);
// Now setting to a float
$ret .= "##" . check($a);
return $ret;
} var_dump(bar());
string(17) "Good Day##Bad Day"


arraykey is special union type of int and string. Arrays and collection types can be keyed by int or string. Suppose, for example, an operation was performed on an array to extract the keys, but you didn't know the type of the key. You were left with using mixed or doing some sort of duplicative code. arraykey resolves that issue.


namespace Hack\UserDocumentation\Types\TypeSystem\Examples\ArrayKey;

class A {
protected float $x;
public string $y; public function __construct(float $x) {
$this->x = $x;
$this->y = "Day";
public function foo(bool $b): float {
return $b ? 2.3 * $this->x : 1.1 * $this->x;
} // This function can return either a string or an int since it is typed to
// return an arraykey
function bar(): arraykey {
// local variables are inferred, not explicitly typed
$a = new A(0.9);
if ($a->foo(true) > 8.0) {
return "Good " . $a->y;
return 5;
} var_dump(bar());


There are two XHP interfaces that are used when typing XHP objects: XHPChild and XHPRoot.

XHPRoot is any object that is an instance of an XHP class.

XHPChild is the set of valid types for echoing within an XHP context (e.g., echo



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