本博文讲述的ES获取系统数据的API是基于Elasticsearch 2.4.1版本的。

0. overview

a. 下面将要介绍的所有的指令,都支持一个查询参数v(verbose),用来显示详细的查询结果。

b. cat的所有指令,都支持一个help参数查询,帮助用户了解cat相关指令都支持那些功能。

c. cat的所有指令,都支持一个h参数的查询,指定指定的列信息进行输出。

例子: 查询输出master的ip以及node name

[elastic@t0-tkonline-cms-search01 ~]$ curl http://localhost:9200/_cat/master?h=ip,n

  10.xxx.xx.xxx node-es2

1.  help查询参数


[elastic@t0-tkonline-cms-search01 ~]$ curl http://localhost:9200/_cat/master?help
id | | node id
host | h | host name
ip | | ip address
node | n | node name

上面的输出含义,解释一下,指的是查看master信息时,能得到的帮助内容,cat获取master信息,将会得到master的节点id,即第一行,id:node id;第二行,表示host,可以简写成h,表示host name,第三行,表示master的ip,描述信息ip address, 第四行,node,简写成n,表示节点名字(node name).


[elastic@t0-tkonline-cms-search01 ~]$ curl http://localhost:9200/_cat/master?v
id host ip node
9gKBOPrEQ0mtGpq8H0mzDg 10.xxx.xx.xxx 10.xxx.xx.xxx node-es2


 [elastic@t0-tkonline-cms-search01 ~]$ curl http://localhost:9200/_cat              #此指令与curl http://localhost:9200/_cat?help得到的结果一样

2. aliases指令


 [root@localhost ~]# curl
alias index filter routing.index routing.search


3. allocation指令


 [elastic@t0-tkonline-cms-search01 ~]$ curl http://localhost:9200/_cat/allocation?v
shards disk.indices disk.used disk.avail disk.total disk.percent host ip node
.7mb .4gb .6gb 49gb 10.xxx.xx.xxx 10.xxx.xx.xxx node-es1
.1mb .4gb .6gb 49gb 10.xxx.xx.xxx 10.xxx.xx.xxx node-es2

4. count指令


 [root@localhost ~]# curl                   #获取当前系统有多少个index
health status index pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size pri.store.size
yellow open megacorp 795b 795b
yellow open tkssearch .2kb .2kb
yellow open test .2kb .2kb
yellow open tk-search11 .2kb .2kb
yellow open cms .1kb .1kb
yellow open tksearch .3kb .3kb
yellow open rest_index .5kb .5kb
yellow open 795b 795b
yellow open 795b 795b
yellow open 795b 795b
yellow open indexdemo .2kb .2kb
yellow open indexdemo—— 795b 795b
yellow open tk-search-module .6kb .6kb
yellow open 795b 795b
yellow open 795b 795b
yellow open tksearch1 .5kb .5kb
yellow open tk-search .2mb .2mb
 [root@localhost ~]# curl         #获取当前集群中有多少个document
epoch timestamp count
 [root@localhost ~]# curl    #获取tksearch这个index的document数量
epoch timestamp count

5. health指令


 [elastic@t0-tkonline-cms-search01 ~]$ curl http://localhost:9200/_cat/health?v
epoch timestamp cluster status node.total node.data shards pri relo init unassign pending_tasks max_task_wait_time active_shards_percent
:: tksearch green - 100.0%

6. indices指令,master指令,上面的例子中有所反应,不再举例。

7. nodeattrs指令


 [elastic@t0-tkonline-cms-search01 ~]$ curl http://localhost:9200/_cat/nodeattrs?v
node host ip attr value


8. node指令


 [elastic@t0-tkonline-cms-search01 ~]$ curl
host ip heap.percent ram.percent load node.role master name
10.xxx.xx.xxx 10.xxx.xx.xxx 0.00 d m node-es1
10.yyy.yy.yyy 10.yyy.yy.yyy 0.00 d * node-es2

9. pending_tasks指令


 [elastic@t0-tkonline-cms-search01 ~]$ curl http://localhost:9200/_cat/pending_tasks?v
insertOrder timeInQueue priority source


10. plugins指令


 [elastic@t0-tkonline-cms-search01 ~]$ curl http://localhost:9200/_cat/plugins?v
name component version type url

11. recovery指令


 [elastic@t0-tkonline-cms-search01 ~]$ curl http://localhost:9200/_cat/recovery?v
index shard time type stage source_host target_host repository snapshot files files_percent bytes bytes_percent total_files total_bytes translog translog_percent total_translog
tk-search-module store done .xxx.xx.xxx .xxx.xx.xxx n/a n/a 0.0% 0.0% 100.0%
tk-search-module replica done .xxx.xx.xxx .yyy.yy.yyy n/a n/a 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
tk-search-module replica done .yyy.yy.yyy .xxx.xx.xxx n/a n/a 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
tk-search-module store done .yyy.yy.yyy .yyy.yy.yyy n/a n/a 0.0% 0.0% 100.0%
tk-search-module store done .xxx.xx.xxx .xxx.xx.xxx n/a n/a 0.0% 0.0% 100.0%
tk-search-module replica done .xxx.xx.xxx .yyy.yy.yyy n/a n/a 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
tk-search-module replica done .yyy.yy.yyy .xxx.xx.xxx n/a n/a 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
tk-search-module store done .yyy.yy.yyy .yyy.yy.yyy n/a n/a 0.0% 0.0% 100.0%
tk-search-module store done .xxx.xx.xxx .xxx.xx.xxx n/a n/a 0.0% 0.0% 100.0%
tk-search-module replica done .xxx.xx.xxx .yyy.yy.yyy n/a n/a 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
tk-search store done .xxx.xx.xxx .xxx.xx.xxx n/a n/a 0.0% 0.0% 100.0%
tk-search replica done .xxx.xx.xxx .yyy.yy.yyy n/a n/a 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
tk-search replica done .yyy.yy.yyy .xxx.xx.xxx n/a n/a 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
tk-search store done .yyy.yy.yyy .yyy.yy.yyy n/a n/a 0.0% 0.0% 100.0%
tk-search store done .xxx.xx.xxx .xxx.xx.xxx n/a n/a 0.0% 0.0% 100.0%
tk-search replica done .xxx.xx.xxx .yyy.yy.yyy n/a n/a 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
tk-search replica done .yyy.yy.yyy .xxx.xx.xxx n/a n/a 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
tk-search store done .yyy.yy.yyy .yyy.yy.yyy n/a n/a 0.0% 0.0% 100.0%
tk-search store done .xxx.xx.xxx .xxx.xx.xxx n/a n/a 0.0% 0.0% 100.0%
tk-search replica done .xxx.xx.xxx .yyy.yy.yyy n/a n/a 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

12. repositories指令


 [elastic@t0-tkonline-cms-search01 ~]$ curl http://localhost:9200/_cat/repositories?v
id type


13.  thread_pool指令

该指令反应当前集群中的thread pool在每一个节点上的统计信息。 “By default the active, queue and rejected statistics are returned for the bulk, index and search thread pools

 [elastic@t0-tkonline-cms-search01 ~]$ curl http://localhost:9200/_cat/thread_pool?v
host ip bulk.active bulk.queue bulk.rejected index.active index.queue index.rejected search.active search.queue search.rejected
.yyy.yy.yyy .yyy.yy.yyy
.xxx.xx.xxx .xxx.xx.xxx

14. shards指令


 [elastic@t0-tkonline-cms-search01 ~]$ curl http://localhost:9200/_cat/shards?v
index shard prirep state docs store ip node
tk-search-module p STARTED 159b .xxx.xx.xxx node-es2
tk-search-module r STARTED 159b .yyy.yy.yyy node-es1
tk-search-module r STARTED 159b .xxx.xx.xxx node-es2
tk-search-module p STARTED 159b .yyy.yy.yyy node-es1
tk-search-module r STARTED 159b .xxx.xx.xxx node-es2
tk-search-module p STARTED 159b .yyy.yy.yyy node-es1
tk-search-module p STARTED .4kb .xxx.xx.xxx node-es2
tk-search-module r STARTED .4kb .yyy.yy.yyy node-es1
tk-search-module p STARTED 159b .xxx.xx.xxx node-es2
tk-search-module r STARTED 159b .yyy.yy.yyy node-es1
tk-search p STARTED .5mb .xxx.xx.xxx node-es2
tk-search r STARTED .8mb .yyy.yy.yyy node-es1
tk-search r STARTED .5mb .xxx.xx.xxx node-es2
tk-search p STARTED .5mb .yyy.yy.yyy node-es1
tk-search r STARTED .6mb .xxx.xx.xxx node-es2
tk-search p STARTED .3mb .yyy.yy.yyy node-es1
tk-search p STARTED .5mb .xxx.xx.xxx node-es2
tk-search r STARTED 45mb .yyy.yy.yyy node-es1
tk-search p STARTED .7mb .xxx.xx.xxx node-es2
tk-search r STARTED .8mb .yyy.yy.yyy node-es1

15. segments指令


 [elastic@t0-tkonline-cms-search01 ~]$ curl http://localhost:9200/_cat/segments?v
index shard prirep ip segment generation docs.count docs.deleted size size.memory committed searchable version compound
tk-search-module p .xxx.xx.xxx _0 .2kb true true 5.5. true
tk-search-module r .yyy.yy.yyy _0 .2kb true true 5.5. true
tk-search p .xxx.xx.xxx _1bd .9mb true true 5.5. false
tk-search p .xxx.xx.xxx _1ft .7mb true true 5.5. false
tk-search p .xxx.xx.xxx _1jz .6mb true true 5.5. false
tk-search p .xxx.xx.xxx _1kt .2mb true true 5.5. true
tk-search p .xxx.xx.xxx _1ku .6kb true true 5.5. true
tk-search p .xxx.xx.xxx _1kv .3kb true true 5.5. true
tk-search p .xxx.xx.xxx _1kw .1kb true true 5.5. true
tk-search r .yyy.yy.yyy _1bm .8mb true true 5.5. false
tk-search r .yyy.yy.yyy _1g2 .3mb true true 5.5. false
tk-search r .yyy.yy.yyy _1ki .2mb true true 5.5. true
tk-search r .yyy.yy.yyy _1ks .7kb true true 5.5. true
tk-search r .yyy.yy.yyy _1kt .2mb true true 5.5. true
tk-search r .yyy.yy.yyy _1ku .9kb true true 5.5. true
tk-search r .yyy.yy.yyy _1kv .8kb true true 5.5. true
tk-search r .xxx.xx.xxx _189 .8mb true true 5.5. false
tk-search r .xxx.xx.xxx _1ed .2mb true true 5.5. false
tk-search r .xxx.xx.xxx _1jd .1mb true true 5.5. false
tk-search r .xxx.xx.xxx _1kr .8mb true true 5.5. true
tk-search r .xxx.xx.xxx _1ks .3kb true true 5.5. true
tk-search r .xxx.xx.xxx _1kt .1kb true true 5.5. true
tk-search r .xxx.xx.xxx _1ku .9kb true true 5.5. true
tk-search r .xxx.xx.xxx _1kv .4kb true true 5.5. true
tk-search r .xxx.xx.xxx _1kw 129kb true true 5.5. true
tk-search r .xxx.xx.xxx _1kx .1kb true true 5.5. true
tk-search p .yyy.yy.yyy _193 .9mb true true 5.5. false
tk-search p .yyy.yy.yyy _1ee .2mb true true 5.5. false
tk-search p .yyy.yy.yyy _1jn .4mb true true 5.5. false
tk-search p .yyy.yy.yyy _1kr .5mb true true 5.5. true
tk-search p .yyy.yy.yyy _1ks .1kb true true 5.5. true
tk-search p .xxx.xx.xxx _1ar .8mb true true 5.5. false
tk-search p .xxx.xx.xxx _1fh .1mb true true 5.5. false
tk-search p .xxx.xx.xxx _1ki .5mb true true 5.5. false
tk-search p .xxx.xx.xxx _1kr .8mb true true 5.5. false
tk-search p .xxx.xx.xxx _1ks .3kb true true 5.5. true
tk-search p .xxx.xx.xxx _1kt .9kb true true 5.5. true
tk-search p .xxx.xx.xxx _1ku .1kb true true 5.5. true
tk-search r .yyy.yy.yyy _1kl .7kb true true 5.5. true
tk-search r .yyy.yy.yyy _1km .4kb true true 5.5. true
tk-search r .yyy.yy.yyy _1kn .3kb true true 5.5. true
tk-search r .yyy.yy.yyy _1kr .8mb true true 5.5. false
tk-search r .yyy.yy.yyy _1ks .9kb true true 5.5. true
tk-search r .yyy.yy.yyy _1kt .1kb true true 5.5. true
tk-search r .xxx.xx.xxx _1a7 .5mb true true 5.5. false
tk-search r .xxx.xx.xxx _1ex .9mb true true 5.5. false
tk-search r .xxx.xx.xxx _1jd .7mb true true 5.5. false
tk-search r .xxx.xx.xxx _1kr .2mb true true 5.5. true
tk-search r .xxx.xx.xxx _1ks .4kb true true 5.5. true
tk-search r .xxx.xx.xxx _1kt .4kb true true 5.5. true
tk-search p .yyy.yy.yyy _1c5 .3mb true true 5.5. false
tk-search p .yyy.yy.yyy _1gl .4mb true true 5.5. false
tk-search p .yyy.yy.yyy _1kh .5mb true true 5.5. true
tk-search p .yyy.yy.yyy _1kr 4mb true true 5.5. true
tk-search p .yyy.yy.yyy _1ks .9kb true true 5.5. true
tk-search p .yyy.yy.yyy _1kt .6kb true true 5.5. true
tk-search p .xxx.xx.xxx _17p 21mb true true 5.5. false
tk-search p .xxx.xx.xxx _1i0 .5mb true true 5.5. false
tk-search p .xxx.xx.xxx _1ki .4mb true true 5.5. true
tk-search p .xxx.xx.xxx _1kr 3mb true true 5.5. true
tk-search p .xxx.xx.xxx _1ks .8kb true true 5.5. true
tk-search p .xxx.xx.xxx _1kt .8kb true true 5.5. true
tk-search p .xxx.xx.xxx _1ku .5kb true true 5.5. true
tk-search p .xxx.xx.xxx _1kv .5kb true true 5.5. true
tk-search p .xxx.xx.xxx _1kw .8kb true true 5.5. true
tk-search p .xxx.xx.xxx _1kx .8kb true true 5.5. true
tk-search r .yyy.yy.yyy _1c5 .3mb true true 5.5. false
tk-search r .yyy.yy.yyy _1hf 10mb true true 5.5. false
tk-search r .yyy.yy.yyy _1kh .1mb true true 5.5. true
tk-search r .yyy.yy.yyy _1kr .6kb true true 5.5. true
tk-search r .yyy.yy.yyy _1ks .1mb true true 5.5. true
tk-search r .yyy.yy.yyy _1kt .8kb true true 5.5. true


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